Let's be together.
Next year, the year after that, forever.
"Does Natsu really intend to face Zeref alone?!"
"That's too reckless!!"
"That brat..." Laxus muttered, looking to the side used to Natsu's actions.
Gray clenched his teeth. "Change of strategy it is then! Let's go!"
"Wait." Erza demanded, holding her arm out to stop him from taking a step further. "We'll move according to the First's plan. Let's leave Zeref to Natsu."
"You serious?!" The ice mage gave her a look of disbelief. "We're talking about Zeref here! He has the book of E.N.D with him, y'know!"
The redhead was unfazed by his angry tone. "Natsu said he's got a secret technique to defeat Zeref, so he'll be alright."
"You've got too much faith in him, Erza!" He snapped, getting closer to her, the anger evident on his face.
Asami, Wendy, Carla, and Haru stood on the sidelines hoping the two wouldn't break into a fight.
Erza kept the same confident expression on her face, believing in Natsu. "So you're telling me, you don't believe in him?"
Gray stared at her in silence, unable to come up with a response. The two were pushed away from each other by Asami who gave them a chiding look. "This isn't the time to be arguing you two. We have to believe that Natsu can defeat Zeref with his secret technique." She said, the two looked at her and felt a pang of guilt knowing that just like them she was also worried about the fire dragon slayer.
They also glanced over at Lucy who held an expression of worry on her as she stared at the board on the wall showing where Natsu was headed.
Mavis nodded in agreement with her statement. "His moves might be reckless, but I'm sure there's a reason behind them. We're cornered from all sides. He must've thought that the fastest way to end it all was to take the enemy's leader down, and I must agree, that is the most effective way." She glanced over at the ice mage. "Let's just believe in him, shall we, Gray?"
Gray looked away, rubbing the back of his head sheepishly. "Yeah well it's not like I don't..." He didn't want anyone to see the small embarrassed look on his face. "It's just... y'know... him going out there all alone... and stuff..."
Asami's eyes softened, knowing that Gray might not outwardly show it but he cared about the pinkette who was almost like a brother to him. He's worried about Natsu too.
"You're forgetting something..." Haru trailed, a scoff escaping his lip as he crossed his arms over his chest. "He isn't alone."
Gray gave a look of confusion.
Carla smirked. "Happy's there with him."
The rest of the guild nodded, suddenly remembered that the blue exceed wasn't here either and trusted that Happy would look out for Natsu.
With Natsu and Happy, the two found Zeref who awaited for their arrival. Natsu and Zeref clashed with one another, neither letting up. Zeref felt a buzz of excitement coursing through his veins as he fought against Natsu who had gotten a lot stronger since their last encounter a year ago.
After trading blows, Natsu revealed his secret technique was the last of the power that he inherited from Igneel. Zeref fully believed that with that technique he would finally die. But before he allowed Natsu to attack him, he revealed that his name was Zeref Dragneel and that he was Natsu's brother. He told him that Natsu had died along with their parents when they were killed by the dragon embers and how he created E.N.D which in reality was Natsu.

Asami The Water Dragon Slayer
FanfictionHer blue eyes flickered over to her husband with a soft expression on her face, despite the bad things that had happened before, she knew that without a doubt she would never change a thing. "We did it." She said softly. Gray rubbed his head against...