Her blue eyes flickered over to her husband with a soft expression on her face, despite the bad things that had happened before, she knew that without a doubt she would never change a thing.
"We did it." She said softly.
Gray rubbed his head against...
"Fear is not evil. It tells you what your weakness is. And once you know your weakness, you can become stronger as well as kinder..."
It was the day of the S-class trials and all the participants with their partners were ready. Levi and Gajeel, Natsu and Happy, Gray and Loki, Juvia and Lisanna, Cana and Lucy, Elfman and Evergreen, Freed and Bickslow, and lastly Mest and Wendy. The Master along with Mirajane, Erza, and Asami were also on board. Haru came along with them while Carla and Pantherlily stayed behind back at the guild.
It was scorching outside as the group gathered on the ship that would be taking them to Tenrou Island. Everyone for the most part were in their swimming after stripping down due to the heat. "It's so hot." Haru mumbled as he and Happy laid on the backs.
"I'd kill for an ice cream cone." Lucy groaned as she slouched in the chair she was sitting in.
"So hot~" Happy complained.
"We get it. It's a scorcher outside. Stop complaining," Gajeel said releasing a sigh.
Asami felt her eye twitch at the sight in front of her. She put a hand on her hip wearing black colored bikini that showed off her voluptuous curves. "Gray. You better put you boxers back on or else."
"It's so hot though." He pouted as he leaned back in his chair completely naked. "And besides, I don't see why you're complaining. It's nothing you haven't seen before." He mused giving her wink.
Asami felt her whole body heat up while everyone else stared at the couple with shock. "Eh!"
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Wendy stared at her sister and Gray back to back feeling her face heat up in embarrassment. "What?!"
"Ah! Don't say things so casually!" Asami snapped at him with her own face as red as Erza's hair as she threw his boxers at his face.
"Gihi. Who knew that Waterlily could be so naughty." Gajeel snickered as her face got even redder if that was possible.
"Shut up." She mumbled in sulking manner.
Gray chuckled. "I'm sorry." He apologized.
"Whatever. I promised to hold back during the trials but, just know that if we end going against each other I won't." She muttered causing him to freeze in shock.
"I'm sorry! Please don't kill me." He pleaded.
She went to say something when she saw Tenrou Island up ahead. "We're almost there." She mumbled.
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