Her blue eyes flickered over to her husband with a soft expression on her face, despite the bad things that had happened before, she knew that without a doubt she would never change a thing.
"We did it." She said softly.
Gray rubbed his head against...
Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light.
-Helen Keller
All four exceed flew towards the Tartaros Base in the sky, each holding a deck of cards with them. Cana had placed everyone in a card after she found out that Elfman was being controlled by someone to use a lacrima bomb to explode the guildhall and kill everyone inside.
But, luckily she had managed to put him in a card and save everyone. And then had the exceed fly out of the guildhall with the members.
The four exceed were suddenly being pulled closer to the Tartaros base and crashed onto the surface.
They groaned in pain.
"Gravity. They've reversed it." Pantherlily said.
"I always wondered what life looked like upside down." Happy muttered.
Haru raised a brow. "You do realize that we can fly and that it's not exactly news either."
One of the cards lit up with white light, revealing Cana. "Hello, Tartaros. I'd like you to meet Fairy Tail!" She yelled and the rest of the cards lit up revealing all the members of Fairy Tail who charged towards the incoming soldiers.
Asami and Gray were back to back as they took down the soldiers surrounding them while the other members did the same.
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"They just keep on coming." Gray said as he froze some of the soldiers. "I'm starting to get bored."
"Tell me about it." Asami mumbled as she put the soldiers around her in domes of water and dropped them when they passed out. She sweat dropped when she caught sight of the small brown exceed. "But it doesn't seem like Haru is getting bored."
Gray followed her gaze and saw Haru snickering as he threw lacrima grenades at the soldiers who panicked. "Yeah." He sweat dropped.
Everyone continued to take down the soldiers who just seemed to keep coming. It almost seemed never ending for them. They also started to question how they were going to get inside when they couldn't get passed the soldiers to get to the top.
"We can beat them back but how do we beat them forward?!" Romeo exclaimed.
"We gotta get on top of this thing somehow." Wakaba said.
"We could fly people over but this gravity field is stronger than normal." Carla said.
Haru dropped down beside her and Happy looking a bit tired. "That's so true." He huffed feeling a bit upset that he couldn't keep throwing lacrima grenades without getting tired.
"We're on the bottom of this thing right now so that must mean..." Happy paused. "We're far from the top."