::101:: Reasons to Fight

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I told her I was lost in this world,

And she smiled,

Because she was too,

We are all lost somehow,

But we didn't care,

We had in the chaos,

Found each other.


Natsu launched a counterattack first by punching Ajeel in the face. Ajeel got back up, releasing a small laugh. "It's been too long since I've felt a punch this good!" He smirked. "Very good! Bring me all you've got!"

They all stiffened when Ajeel sent his sand at them, Gray immediately stepped up. "Freeze!"

But it didn't work, much to their dismay. "And... dry up." Ajeel said, a hint of amusement in his eyes as he controlled his sand to grab them.

Seeing this, Makarov shifted and got larger. "I WON'T LET YOU LAY A HAND ON MY KIDS!!" He yelled harshly.

Asami could barely move with how tightly he was holding them in his hand. "Ow." She muttered, after hitting her head against Natsu's.

"Stop gramps!"

"We can still fight!"

"Natsu... stop moving!" Asami muttered before her face was pushed into Gray's chest and she felt Lucy being shoved against her.

Ajeel's lips twitched upwards. "Oh... did you really think you could protect all of them like that? You don't seem to understand, do you..." He was so arrogant. "The power of the Spriggan 12.. LET SANDS OF DEATH SWALLOW YOU!"

Makarov's eyes widened, seeing the height and amount of sand being sent in his direction. It looked like a giant wave. "WHA...!!"

"MEST!!" Erza exclaimed, panicking when she saw the danger they were in. "TELEPORT US AWAY!!"

"WHERE?!" He asked back.

Makarov's stance didn't waver however, he stood his ground. "I'll protect you lot no matter what happens." He promised.

"GRAMPS!!" They all exclaimed.

"NO MATTER WHAT!" He continued.

The sand user chuckled. "This is the end! Anyone that comes in contact with this sand-storm dries from the inside!" He informed them. "Ta-Da!! Mummified fairies!" He began to cackle when the sand was just above the master.

The group began to cry out Makarov's name, wanting him to move. But, just before the sand could hit, a giant lightning strike hit it. They all glanced up, seeing Laxus standing above.

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