Chapter 2

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I sat in the corner. What did I do wrong? I looked down at my shoes. Still broken. I realized that my pants are torn and dirty. I looked at my hands. Scraped and dirty. What happened to me? "Now poppet, are you ready to get out of the naughty corner?" Asked Oliver. I turn to Oliver, not knowing what to say. "'am...or sir" I replied. I haven't said a word ever since Al left me here. He said he was going to buy me stuff. I hear laughter. I looked past Oliver and I see Francois laughing. Oliver complained about it but Francois kept laughing. I went and sat on the couch. I looked up at Francois and Oliver. They seem to be yelling at each other. Why are they yelling?

~~~Flash Back~~~
"WHY DO YOU STILL KEEP THAT BASTARD CHILD?!" Shouted papa. "SHE IS OUR ONLY DAUGHTER!! WE ARE SUPPOSED TO LOVE HER!!" Shouted mama. Papa would always go out and drink while mama is stuck home cleaning and taking care of me. I made another mistake. "SHE SPILT MY BEER!!" Yelled papa. Papa was about to slap me.
~~~Flash Back~~~

"Poppet!! Are you ok?!" Said Oliver worried. His hands were on my shoulders while shaking me. I shook my head and looked into his blue and pink eyes. I blinked once. I look at my surroundings. Still in the same room where Oliver and Francois was yelling. "Poppet!!" I turned back to Oliver, his eyes filled with worried. "I'm sorry...." I mumbled. Oliver hugged me. "Oh thank god, I thought something bad happened!!" Said Oliver. I looked up at Francois. He was looking down at me with a smoke in his mouth. Oliver let go. "Poppet, why were you crying?" Asked Oliver. I put a hand on my cheek. It was wet. Was it because I saw mama and papa? "I don't know" I answered. Suddenly, the door open. I peeked from the couch and I see Al with bags. Lots of bags. He was with three other men too. "Where's Scarlette?" Asked Al. I got off from the couch as Oliver followed me. I stopped at a few inches away from Al and the three other men. One man has blond hair. He had a flannel and bandages and on one hand he has a stick, a long stick and on the other a small flannel. Another man has brownish and blackish hair tied to a pony tail. He wears a hat and many badges. His eyes seem red as if he had pink eye. On one hand he has a pan and on the other a small pair of pants that are black. Lastly, a scary man with brown hair like Al. He was very tall and looked scary. His mouth seems to be glued together and never smile. One hand he has a pipe and on the other a pair of boots. They all look scary. I hid behind Oliver, hoping he could protect me.

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