Chapter 16

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   Luciano wasn't hurt. He easily dodged the knife that was about to land on him. It really scared me that Luciano was going to get hurt. I felt a pat on my head. I look up and my green eyes met Kyo's. "Luciano is a professional with knifes" said Kyo with his face expressionless. "Tch" said Lutz as he turned to the window. Luciano gave a small chuckle. I looked down in embarrassment. I wonder if Luciano is warming up to me. He hasn't kicked me out of his room, he didn't make me sit on the floor not mad fun of me when that knife fell near his head. Me and Luciano are kind of the same. We both have the same feelings and had the same pain. The only difference is that, he has friends and people who care about him. Yea, I have Viktor but...he has more. I hear a knock on the door. "Come in" said Luciano. The door opened and revealed Oliver. He has a big smile on his face. "I have news!!" Said Oliver excitedly. He brought out cupcakes. They all look like the cupcakes are for a pacific person. One cupcake has a cherry blossom design, another had a knife on it but it looks like it's made out of something yummy and lastly there was one with a gun on it. There was a fourth cupcake too. It was flannel patterned which seems to be mine. "Monday is going to be Scarlett's first day of school!" Said Oliver excitedly as he passed out the cupcakes. Lutz seemed relieved and Kyo was still expressionless but however; Luciano seemed worried. "W-What?! She's too young and her amnesia and-" "Luciano, calm down" said Lutz. "Shut up bastard." Said Luciano. Kyo covered my ears once Luciano said bastard. "You can come with me and Francois to take her cloth shopping tomorrow!" Said Oliver as he skipped away. Once Oliver left Lutz and Kyo looked at the Italian. "Are jou ok?" Asked Lutz. " usually don't care about kids" said Kyo with a little bit of worry in his voice. Luciano rolled his eyes. "It's kid so what?" Said Luciano trying to act cool. I think Luciano is being soft on me because I showed him kindness. I looked down at my hands. They don't look scraped anymore. My pale, shiny, white hands all cleaned.

Me and Luciano are one whole person. Me being the nice personality and Luciano being the mean personality. Us combined are one person. He's like a big brother to me.

I lay in bed as Luciano tucked me in. "Good night Bambino" said Luciano as he was about to leave. "Wait" I said softly. Luciano turned back at me. "I'm scared of the dark...can you show me to Viktors room?" I asked. Luciano nodded. "Ok, then come on Bambino" said Luciano. I got out of bed and followed Luciano. "Luciano, why did you call me Bembeno?"I asked. Luciano chucked. "Bambino means child in Italian." We were in front of Viktors door. "I'll see you tomorrow bambino" said Luciano as he patted my head and left to go to his room. I opened Viktors door. He was asleep. I crawled to his bed and laid beside him. I felt safe when I sleep next to Viktor. He's like a big teddy bear that would fight off darkness.

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