Chapter 25

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   Viktor drive me to school this time. Oliver and Francois were cranky. I was in the front seat with Viktor. I felt bad for last night. "I'm sorry." I mumbled. "Hm?" Questions Viktor. "For, last night." I said in shame. Viktor gave a small chuckle. "It was small mistake Sunflower. Your only little root about to grow into beautiful Sunflower." Said Viktor while his eyes are on the road. I looked up at him. He seems happy even with his baggy, black eyes, his red eyes are filled with life. "Can I ask you something?" I asked. "Go ahead." Said Viktor. "Promise me you won't tell anyone?" Viktor looked at me. He turned back to the road. "Promise." Whispered Viktor. "Who is Rylee?" Viktor trembled but parked at the school parking lot. "U-Um...she's...she's a woman that I used to love." Said Viktor. "What happened to her?" Viktor looked down. "She was...taken away by a man...from the Nordics." Mumbled Viktor. Viktor unbuckled me. Once I was unbuckled I hugged Viktor. I tried to smile but failed. Luckily, my face was buried in his coat. Viktor patted my back and held out his hand for me to take it. I took his hand and we walked to my class room. Once we were inside the classroom I was tackled down into a hug. "I MISSED YOU SOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSO MUCH!!!" Squealed Abby. Viktor chuckled. "Abby, she doesn't like that, please get off." Quietly said Mrs. Pahel. Abby got off but didn't let go. "Bye Scarlett." Said Viktor as he walked out. I look at the door but it was too late. I hugged Abby back making her release me. "Abby, I have some good news." I said. Abby held my hands and squealed. "Tell me tell me tell me tell me!!!" Said Abby excitedly. "Is Helen here? I want to make sure." "Yea! He's at the corner! Come on!" Abby guided, more like dragged, me to the corner. Helen was coloring. "Ok good, everyones here." I said as I sat down. Helen looked up. "Do you want to say it or me?" Asked Helen. "I want to." I said. Helen put his crayon away and his white eyes traveled to mine. "Viktor knows Mama." I said. Abby tilted her head. "Her mommy is Mama." Said Helen. "Oh, I know but, who's Viktor?" Questioned Abby. "One of Scarlett's care taker." Said Helen. Abby nodded. "I want to make sure that I was right. I also want to know the whole story." I said as I faced Helen. Helen shut his eyes for a while. They finally opened. "While Rylee, your mama, was living with Viktor, Oliver, Francois and etc. the Nordics broke in and was about to kill everyone but Rylee decided to sacrifice herself for the safety of Viktor. The Nordics took her away and came a child which is you. Everyday while the Nordics are away Rylee would call Viktor making sure everything is ok and telling her about you." Said Helen. "If the Nordics didn't came them you would have been Viktors child." Finished Helen. My eyes widen. I'm a Nordic.

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