Chapter 33

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   We were diving to my school. I wasn't wearing a dress this time and Viktor is planning on staying at school with me. "Last night was...crazy huh Sunflower?" Asked Viktor. I nodded. I convinced everyone, even Zao to precipitate. We pulled to a stop and headed to the classroom. I held onto Viktors hand. I don't want to go to school. As we head inside I was tackled to a hug. "I MISSED YOU SOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSO MUCH!!" Said Abby cheerfully. Viktor grabbed her collar and got her to his eye level. Viktor turned to me and asked, "Is this the kid who has been picked on you?" I shook my head no. Viktor put Abby down. "Sorry about that." Said Viktor to Abby. Mrs Pahel walked up to Viktor. "Hi, are you here to drop off Scarlett?" Asked Mrs Pahel. "I'm actually here to stay with Scarlett for the whole day." Said Viktor. "Ok, and feel free to take her home early anytime." Said Mrs Pahel as she walked away. Abby tugged on my hand. "Come on! Hurry hurry!" Said Abby. "Ok ok." I said as she dragged me. Viktor followed with a chuckled as Abby dragged me. Helen and Alex was sitting in the corner. I stood up straight and Viktor sat down. "Helen, Alex, I want you guys to meet Viktor." I said as I showed them off to Viktor. Viktor waved. "He looks scary..." mumbled Alex. "Well, by his past and appearance, he has going through tough times." Said Helen. "But he's passive, just as long as no one messes with-" Helen was about to finished when I heard my name being called. I turned and I see Tommy and the boys coming. I quivered a little. Tommy seems mad. "Did you rattle on me?!" Growled Tommy as he pushed me down. Viktor caught me and stood up as he glared down Tommy. Tommy was about to run when Viktor grabbed his shoulder. Viktor went eye level to Tommy. Viktor turned to me. "Is this the kid who was picking on you?" Asked Viktor. I nodded and Tommy got so scared that he turned pale. Viktor turned to Tommy and growled, "If you ever mess with my sunflower again, you wished you were never born." Viktor let go as Tommy ran away. I believe he peed his pants. Abby looked up at Viktor with stars in her eyes. "Wow, you scared Tommy away! Are you a superhero?!" Asked Abby. Viktor chuckled a little. "I guess so." Replied Viktor. "Well, I can make Helen change colors! Wanna see?" Asked Abby. Viktor nodded. Abby walked up to Helen and kissed his cheek making his face go red. Alex and Viktor chuckled but I stayed emotionless. Abby giggled as she held Helens hand.

~~~Flash back~~~
   I laid on Mamas lap as Papa adjusts his gun. Mama glared at Papa but Papa ignored her. I looked at my hair. It was a mixture of Blond and Brunette. "Can you do that somewhere else?" Asked Mama. Papa turned to Mama. I can see his face now. His dark blue and purple eyes pierced to Mamas green eyes. I can see his scar on his right cheek, just like Lutz has. Papa got up and pointed his gun at me. Mama had wide eyes in fear. "Now, what were you saying?" Asked Papa. Mama stayed silent. Papa lowered his gun. "Now shut up and let me do my work." Said Papa as he went back to adjusting his gun.
~~~Flash back~~~

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