Lover Embraced - Chapter 2

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As recognition flared, Qhuinn felt a need to weep. Just sit down on his ass and cry like a fucking pussy. Because there was no way he was looking at his daughter. No fucking way. His baby girl has died during birth. Havers had been there and confirmed it. They had even done a fade ceremony for the precious little life that would never be. So this beautiful pretrans female in front of them, could not be, in fact, his daughter. Except his blood didn’t lie. He recognized his blood inside her, recognized himself within her. Plus, how many pretrans had eyes like his? One eye lime green, exactly like Layla’s. The other was blue, like his own blue one.

He had to play this cool, he thought. The last thing they wanted to do was freak her out.

Taking strength from God knew where he straightened himself, took a deep breath and walked up to her, putting out his dagger hand.

- Hi, I’m Qhuinn. This is my buddy John Matthew.

She watched him for a moment and shuddered as their palms touched.

- Do… Do I know you? I feel like I know you.

He nodded.

- Tell me something. Does the name Havers say anything to you?

She frowned.

- No.

He nodded again.

- That’s an odd place for a tat.

She tapped under her eye as she spoke, obviously referring to the purple Ahstrux Nohtrum teardrop.

- Yeah, one does silly things when younger.

He grinned, all casual.

- Ah, hey listen, can we take you anywhere? My hummer is right over there.

She bit her lip and he heard John inhale sharply as his smell intensified. Oh no you don’t you motherfucker-

- Please, if you don’t mind. I need to go back to St Mary’s.

- The orphanage?

- Yeah.

- Is that where you live?

- For now. I teach there in return for a roof and food.  It’s not much, but… yeah.

- Come on.

Qhuinn was seriously having trouble breathing as they walked to his car, and trying very hard not to show it. His phone beeped with a text from John.

She dsnt knw she is 1 of us. Cls 2 chng.

Yeah. No shit Sherlock.

He had to take her somewhere safe without freaking her out and then he had to look for Havers and tear his fucking throat out. With his bare teeth. Lucky he had fangs.

His fogged up mind clicked on something she had said while talking to John.

- I don’t mean to pry or anything but you mentioned your… parents were murdered by guys like the ones who were attacking you?

- Uhm, yeah.

- Do you…- he cleared his throat. –Have you been attacked by them before?

- Once in a while. But they just tease me, more than anything, try to scare me so they can have a laugh. But I can defend myself. They seem to know where I live now though, so it’s happening more often. It’s annoying.

Goddamned lessers. He could not wait for the day they were finally eradicated.

- What if… - God his voice was rough.

– What if I told you I could take you somewhere safe. Somewhere where you would never have to deal with them again.

She looked at him though the rearview mirror with a frown and he stared right back.

- What if I could take you to a safe place to live?

- Yeah. No.

- I’m serious. It’s a place where women and children are protected.

- From what.

- Everything. Abusive hell…husbands, creepy pale guys.

- Really?

- Yeah.

- How much would it cost me?

- Nothing. They protect and help females… people in need. Like I said, they have kids there, and you are obviously good with them, so maybe you could give them a hand. They can always use the help.


Her mind was churning. She should go back to St. Mary’s, except, they really didn’t need her there, only allowing her to stay as they knew she had nowhere to go. As blue eyes stared at her and she looked back at Qhuinn, with those mismatched eyes she saw every day in the mirror, she felt safe. They promised her safety and she believed them, believed that they could really keep her safe. Which was a first. As well as this odd feeling she had never felt before. For the first time in her life she felt like… like she was home.

Which of course was utterly absurd.

In the silence of the hummer, no one said anything. They didn’t push her and she realized they were driving towards the orphanage.

Stupid, stupid, stupid.

- What if I agree and then decide I don’t want to stay?

Qhuinn dedicated her another casual grin.

- You aren’t a prisoner. We ah… we fight those pale guys. So we protect whoever is in danger with them. With your past and after what just happened at that bus stop, we just want to make sure you’re safe, s’all.

- Hmm.

She opened her mouth. Closed it again. The’re was something else, something they weren’t telling her, but she couldn’t put her finger on it. What to do…

Then again, what did she have to lose? She had been staying with the nuns but she had never truly felt safe with them, not like she felt now with these strangers.

She looked over at John. He nodded almost imperceptibly and she blushed in the dark, then sighed.

- Okay.

Qhuinn nodded and she thought she heard him sigh with relief. He turned the car at the first chance as if the way to wherever had already been calculated in his head.

- Wait! I need to pick up some stuff.

- You’ll have everything you need, I promise.

She frowned. This was all just so weird.

- Marissa, hey it’s Qhuinn. Yeah listen, can you take someone in?

He was on the phone and suddenly switched to a different language, almost Slavic sounding. Hungarian or Romanian… but not quite.

- What’s your name, sweetheart?

- Lilly Anna.

He repeated it to Marissa and hung up, only to dial again and speaking in that beautiful language again. She wanted to ask what language it was but he was still talking and John was looking out the windows. Looking for any kind of danger she guessed. She had a feeling she should be afraid, she just couldn’t bring herself to feel any kind of fear with them. Though she did wonder what the hell she was getting herself into.

Black Dagger Brotherhood Fanfic * A - Lover EmbracedWhere stories live. Discover now