Lover Embraced - Chapter 5

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Layla smiled sadly at Doc Jane.

- Whatever do you need my blood for?

- Just protocol. The king has ordered blood samples from everyone in the household

T’is a lie, she thought. But she was too exhausted to fight the good doctor.

- Ah… Layla?

- Yes?

- You ah… the date of your nee-

- I am well aware of that. I shall come to you for the drugs, as usual.

- Have you talked to Xcor-

- He may be my Hellren, but I will never go through another needing again. Ever.

- Layla-

- Not a word doctor, I beg of you. It… the pain… it is just too much to bear. Even after all this time.

- Oh I know Layla, but…

- If you have finished taking blood from my vein, I believe we are done here.

Jane nodded, then added softly;

- Just think about it, okay?

- I cannot. I find it in myself that I simply… cannot. But thank you.

Layla walked into the tunnel with a sense of dread and was surprised to find the male waiting for her right outside Jane’s lab.

- Hey Layla.

- Hello Qhuinn.


Well didn’t that sum up their relationship for the last few decades.

- Goodbye Qhuinn, I must needs go, Xcor is…

- Upstairs with the Brotherhood.

- Still I…

- He can wait. Talk to me.

- I have nothing to say.

- Come on Layla.

- I… I cannot speak.

- Why not. It used to be so easy. We were the best of friends, remember?

- I do not wish to remember!

Her voice raised of it’s own accord, and so did his.

- Why the hell not?

- Because it hurts! It hurts to look at you and talk to you. Everything about you reminds me of what we lost and I cannot allow myself to remember because it will break me. I am truly sorry Qhuinn. I bid you farewell.

Black Dagger Brotherhood Fanfic * A - Lover EmbracedWhere stories live. Discover now