Lover Embraced - Chapter 14

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- Are you out of your fucking mind?

A million excuses ran through John’s mind. From, I-tripped-and-her-lips-just-happened-to-stop-the fall, to, nothing-happened-even-though-the-room-smelled-like-sex. Blay wouldn’t buy any of it.

- I didn’t mean to

- So what, your lips just happened to crush hers? What the fuck were you thinking John?

- I wasn’t.

- Clearly. Well fuck, John. What do you think Qhuinn will do to you if he finds you? He will skin you alive, man. My hellren just got his baby girl back and you’re already making a move on her?

- I don’t know what happened. It just did.

- I should break your fucking nose for this. Or something.

Blay must be really pissed off with him if he was using swear words… and he agreed. He deserved a fucking punch in the face for this. He squared his shoulders and he nodded at his best friend, ready to receive the blow.

Blay just shook his head.

- What about Xhex?

John tensed.

- What about her?

- Shit John, you have been mourning her for years, ignoring all females around you, and when you finally start moving on, you choose her?

Blay pointed at the door and he just shrugged. He couldn’t explain, hell, he wasn’t even sure that there actually was anything that could be explained. He didn’t understand any of it himself.

- Is there any chance it will happen again?

John shook his head frantically.

He was planning on staying the hell away from her. His friendship with Qhuinn was way too important to risk for a pretrans he didn’t even know.

- Good. Cause if Qhuinn ever finds out…

- I know.

Blay nodded.

- Come on, we’re meeting in the study again. Wrath is going to set the rules for Haver’s demise.

Lilly closed the door with a soft click. She had learned some very important things by overhearing the conversation.

Qhuinn, her father, didn’t want John with her.

John was mourning someone named Xhex.

He wasn’t planning on kissing her again.

She inhaled deeply, loving his scent that still lingered in the air.

They’d just have to see about that one.


Qhuinn was waiting outside Wrath’s study, pacing up and down the hall. He understood the king’s reasons for wanting to inform Marissa but man, he was so ready to kill Havers, his hands twitched at the thought of it. He hoped Blay returned soon. He needed his hellren by his side.

He had asked him to take Lilly some food. He really should have done it himself but he was way too emotional and everyone knew he didn’t know how to handle shit like this very well. He frowned as he saw Blay and John walk together towards him. Both looking tense as fuck and not looking him in the eye. He took a good look at John. If he didn’t know better, he would have thought his brother had been getting some action. Swollen lips, stronger scent… Good thing he knew that wasn’t possible with him still hurting over Xhex… There was something off though; he just couldn’t put his finger on it.

- What the hell is going on?

Blay gave him a quick kiss.

- Nothing nallum.

Qhuinn looked at them suspiciously but decided to leave it for later.

- Did you take her some food?

- Yeah, though John had already brought her a tray.

Qhuinn looked at John, who seemed very interested in the floor.

- Huh. Well, thanks man.

John shrugged, then signed.

- I also got her some clothes. She seems to be Nalla’s size so I asked her for some stuff. At least until we can buy her some things she likes.

- Cool, I hadn’t thought of that. Thanks man.

There was something else… something they weren’t telling him. He’d find out sooner or later-

- Qhuinn!

Layla appeared behind him. He hadn’t had a chance to talk to her yet. She hugged him like she hadn’t done in years.

- She’s alive. Our baby is alive!

He smiled.

- I know.

- T’is truly a miracle!

Her smile was radiant and happy, without the sadness that had shown on her face for the last 25 years.

- Yeah, it totally is.

- Is she in her room?

- Yeah, John and Blay got her some food and we are just waiting for Wrath now. Go to her, she needs her mahmen.

Layla shook her head.

- I shall kill Havers first. Only then shall I get to know her. My daughter. Our daughter.

She kissed him on the cheek as a subtle growl filled the hall.


He grinned amused as the other man grabbed Layla, pulled her out of his arms and kissed her possessively, staking his claim.

The study doors opened and Marissa and Butch walked out. Marissa hugged Layla.

- I am so happy you have her back.

She then walked up to Qhuinn, hugging him too.

- You do what you must. He deserves it.

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