Lover Embraced - Chapter 43

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Jhade almost gagged as she finished drinking from Khalos’ wrist.

She hated this, hated drinking, hated being a vampire. Ok, maybe not so much but she resented the hell out of this situation and was unbelievably angry at Qhuinn and Blay for taking her out of the Orphanage a few years ago. She would not think of the 3rd male responsible for that.

Blue Eyes.

Dammit. She thought of him again. Why could she not get him out of her head? It had been long enough.

- Thank you for your vein.

She placed a fake smile on her face and looked at Qhuinn, who was always present during her feeding. As if he was afraid she’d seduce whoever she fed from.

She touched her forehead, feeling a little dizzy as usual whenever she fed.

Khalos, the Glymera male, said his goodbyes as usual before leaving and she ignored him. As usual.

- I fed, you watched, I didn’t seduce anyone, you can go now.

- Jhade…

- Qhuinn…

She knew she was being childish but couldn’t help it. She hated being so bitter, so upset all the time. But not seeing John in 5 years and having to see Qhuinn and Blay every week, and having to feed of this random male every month, had that effect on her.

Layla was growing more and more concerned about her, so was Beth, as well as her friends, Nalla and Mariah, and Hope, the recent addition to their group.

- Are you never going to forgive me?

- Is John back in the mansion?

- You know he isn’t.

- Well there is your answer. Buh-bye now.

- Jhade, there is no need to talk to your father like that.

- Oh I am sorry Saint Blay. But leaving a friend all alone on the streets is ok? Yeah, uh huh.

- He knew better than to…

- We’ve been through this. In fact, I am pretty sure we go through it every week. So unless you do something, nothing is going to change, which means, we are wasting our breaths. Again. See ya.

She fanned her face, feeling a bit flushed, hating these confrontations.

She didn’t miss the glance they shared as they got up.

- We’ll come back next week.

- No need. I don’t need to feed for another month, so…

- We’ll be here anyway.

- Great. Lucky me. Can’t fucking wait.


- She hates me.

Qhuinn watched Jhade walk up the stairs as he grabbed Blay’s hand.

- I would love to say she doesn’t but…

- I can’t ask him to come back, I just…

- I know nallum. He wouldn’t do it anyway. He’s too used to being alone. He’s almost a rogue brother now.

- I wish I could turn back time.

- I know. Come on, let’s just go home.

Qhuinn nodded, devastated as he usually was after seeing his daughter. Torn inside because he missed his friend like crazy.

They dematerialized back at the compound just in time to shower before a brotherhood meeting.

- You know she’s close to her needing, right?

Qhuinn tensed.

- I know. Already spoke to Doc Jane who has given me a vial to drug her when the time comes.

- Are you sure that’s what Jhade wants?

- What? Do you want me to ask John? Not bloody likely. I’d rather die than let him near her again.

- I eh…

Blay cleared his throat and Qhuinn frowned.

- There is something I need to tell you.

- What.

- I… I should have told you years ago but, I thought you were better off not knowing.

- What is it Blay?

- I ah… I know they were together before that time.

- What do you mean?

- That first time John left the mansion, it was because they had been together.

- No way, you told me he left because she was infatuated.

Qhuinn spat the words.

- Did you lie to me? You fucking lied to me?

- I thought I was protecting you.

- You fucking lied to me!

- Nallum, I’m sorry. I didn’t think it would happen again.

- How did you know, you caught them?

- I overheard the girls. Qhuinn, they seemed to think… from what Jhade explained to them, I think that John actually bonded with her.

- Not possible. He said he didn’t love her. You were there. He refused to mate her.

- Because he thinks he’s not over Xhex. Because he thinks he can’t be with Jhade. You know how much he’s suffered. He would treat her like a frickin’ queen. I really think Jhade is his cure.

- No.

- Qhuinn…

- You lied to me. For five fucking years. And now you want me to use my daughter to cure that bastard?

He air quoted the word ‘cure’.

- I don’t fucking think so. And you know what. Right now I really can’t stand to be around you.

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