Lover Embraced - Chapter 3

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When they finally got to Safe Place, John Matthew was twitchy as fuck. The beautiful pretrans could not be his best friend’s daughter. It just wasn’t possible. As soon as they parked, Qhuinn was out of the car trotting towards Safe Place, while he stayed to help Lilly out of the car. He didn’t really like the name, but he guessed it was the nuns doing.

- John?

He whistled, not wanting to look at her.

- Am I really safe here?

His heart broke at the insecurity in her voice and he had to look at her. He nodded.

- More than anything. I promise.

- I ah… I’m a bit scared.

As she looked at his with those innocent eyes, his instinct to protect her, to care for her, flared inside him, while his cock pounded in his pants for the second time tonight.

- Lilly Anna?

Marissa came up to them and John cursed mentally. What was it with this girl? Pretrans. Whatever.

She was forbidden in too many ways to count, especially if she was who they thought she was. He hadn’t talked about it with Qhuinn but they knew each other so well that he knew his best friend was thinking the same.

- Hi honey. I am Marissa. Why don’t you come in and I’ll show you Safe Place?

She nodded and looked at him.

- You’re safe. Trust me.

- Will I see you again? Both of you?

- You can bet your life on it.

She nodded again, for some reason trusting him completely. She then turned to Marissa with a smile. His guts tightened. Damn she was beautiful. Qhuinn’s heavy hand landed on his shoulder.

- We gotta go see Havers.

- No time. Only one hour till dawn.

- Fuck that. John, if…

His friend’s voice broke and his eyes teared up.

- You have seen her. If that really is my baby girl… My daughter… If it’s her... It means I just gave up on her. It means I just believed Havers on his word and…

- Let’s go to the compound. Talk to Wrath. Maybe it’s just a coincidence. A really fucked up coincidence.

He didn’t really believe that but Qhuinn was crazy enough to ignore the sun and go after that stupid physician with no proof. His friend scrubbed his face with his hands.

- Can you… ah, can you drive? I feel like I’m gonna lose it.

John nodded and they both jumped into the hummer.

Half an hour later they reached the Brotherhood mansion and as soon as they got to the entrance, Qhuinn collapsed onto his knees. Like his legs just gave out and couldn’t handle his own weight any longer.

- Oh god. Oh god. Oh g…

Great heaving sobs cut the words and John wasn’t sure what to do. He couldn’t even imagine what the male must be going through. Dawn was starting to break through however, so they really needed to get their asses moving.

- Qhuinn!

Blay came gunning out of the mansion and John saw the entire Brotherhood standing in the vestibule. Blay must have told them. Now how the fuck were they supposed to explain this.


Inside Wrath’s office 16 huge male body’s and one slender female almost didn’t fit anymore. The whole Brotherhood had been called in for this. All brothers, including those formerly known as the band of bastards, and of course, V’s twin, Payne. Qhuinn had explained everything as precisely as he could and the kind looked positively cruel.

- Let me get this straight. You found a female pretrans. Who doesn’t know she is one of us. And you believe her to be your daughther.

- Yes my Lord.

- The same daughter that was born and proclaimed dead 24 years ago.

- Yes my Lord.

Wrath pinched the bridge of his nose, sighing deeply.

- Look son, I don’t want you to get your hopes up…

- She has my eyes. Dark hair like mine. Her face is Layla’s. Full lips, round little nose, same expressions. I am not making this up.

- I am not saying you are, but if what you say is true… Havers committed high treason. Again.

- Havers. Will. Die. At nightfall.

- You hold it right there son. We do not act without proof. Do you understand me?

Qhuinn’s jaw tensed as Wrath got up, put his fists on the table and bared his fangs.

- I said, do you fucking understand me? Nod your head you motherfucker.

- Fine.

Qhuinn spoke through gritted teeth.

- But the second we have proof, I kill him.

Wrath nodded in agreement.

- With your bare hands if you must.

- One more thing, my Lord.

- Name it.

- I tell Layla.

As Xcor’s bonded scent filled the room, so did his possessive growl.

- Layla is my mate.

- And I am the father of the child she thought lost.

- Do. Not. Remind. Me.

Xcor bared his fangs at him even though he was now a brother and happily mated to the fallen Chosen. He still hated Qhuinn after all these years for having been Layla’s first and having a young with her, despite the fact that Qhuinn was happily mated himself and fully bonded to Blay.

Wrath interfered in the obvious pissing contest.

- Xcor you will stay out of this.

- Wrath…

- If we get proof that the pretrans is Qhuinn and Layla’s daughter, the right to tell her is his, and his alone.

- But my Lord…

- That, my dear bastard brother, is a goddamned order.

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