Lover Embraced - Chapter 54

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Jhade was surprised as she saw the scene before her very eyes unfolding. The Scribe Virgin was holding a translucent baby, and she was smiling. And glowing really really bright.

She lifted her free arm and caressed John’s cheek. Jhade tried to ignore the pang of jealousy that shot through her. He’s mine!

- Thank you for this gift John Matthew. You are truly extraordinary, like you have always been.

She then turned her gaze to Jhade, looking almost hesitant. Something Jhade would bet didn’t happen ever.

- Child, you should know that… you are not expecting a young. My apologies for making you believe so.

All the brothers gasped and Jhade suspected it was because of the apology. If the Scribe Virgin never hesitated it would stand to reason she never ever apologized.

- I just… missed my princeps.

She looked at John and continued.

- I see that he hasn’t changed much. His goodness is still in there, still part of who he once used to be.

Jhade didn’t understand a single word she was saying, but nodded anyway.


She wasn’t sure what to think. It wasn’t like it hurt; she had thought she had been pregnant for about 30 minutes, so not exactly enough time to get attached. Though she was disappointed, she would have loved to see John Matthew as a father.

The Scribe Virgin nodded at her. All was good.

She faced Qhuinn next.

- Almost 30 years ago you branded your skin to remember a lost one, as per the Fade ceremony’s tradition. Since she is alive and well, I offer you a one-time chance to remove the scarring and show only the name of your daughter.

Qhuinn looked at Blay then Layla and finally Jhade and nodded.

- Please. – was all he said.

She nodded and moved her free hand over him, all the while rocking the baby with her other arm.

- Now, this has gone on long enough, so I present you with what you have all been waiting for. Goodbye my warriors.

Out of nowhere, a thud sounded on the cave floor behind her, and she disappeared.

Whoa, so that was Havers.


All the brothers growled at the same time, but Qhuinn’s growl was the loudest.

- Someone get the females out of here. Now!

John and Xcor were the first to move, to protect their women. He knew his daughter was safe with John, so this time, Havers would be his.

He looked at the bag of bones lying on the dirt floor. Was it alive? Was it dead?

Who the fuck knew.

A loud gasp for breath solved that mystery.

He was alive.

Qhuinn plunged for him, didn’t even let him get up.

- Look at me. Look at me! I’m the defect who’s going to end your sorry life once and for all. How’d ya like that, huh bastard?

Qhuinn punched and screamed and punched some more until a loud whistle made him stop.

John and Blay were standing by his side.  His Hellren kneeled to be in his line of vision.

- It’s over Qhuinn. Really over. It’s time for him to meet the sun.

Qhuinn looked down at Havers. At himself.

There was blood everywhere and Havers… well let’s just say he wasn’t exactly recognizable anymore.

- Come on. Lassiter is already waiting for us.

Qhuinn growled.

- What if the same happens again and this shitbag disappears again?

- He won’t.

Wrath’s deep voice came from right behind him.

- The Scribe Virgin has assured me this is the end of it. No one will interfere, it is completely up to us to end him. So, come on son, let’s watch this fucker burn.

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