Lover Embraced - Chapter 17

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Jhade was having a good laugh with the class. It turned out they had been learning ASL and wanted to know how she knew it, so they had been talking loads. They had also been telling her what to expect when turning into a vampire.

- Okay class, we're done for today. More tomorrow. You and Mariah, come with me.

- What are we gonna do?

- Go to my room. Eat junkfood. And gossip loads. You're one of us now.

The hug Nalla gave her was unexpected but felt nice. She had never had real friends before.

- Come on let's go.

Nalla glanced over to the only ones left in the room, Ahgony and Darius. She thought she saw that faint blush again and smiled. This was gossip she needed to hear.

Mariah was also looking over, looking concerned.

- Does he need help?

- He's fine Nalla. Get out of here already.

- Fine. No need to be so rude.

- Whatever.

- Idiot.

Darius grinned and turned to his friend, ignoring the girls. Nalla bit her lip, looking hurt, but soon covered it with a smile.

- Come on.

They went up to the main house and we're midway up the stairs when they were stopped.

- Nalla!

- Daddy!

She walked up to a mean looking male, with a huge scar on his face and tattoos on his neck and wrists. He looked kind of sexy in a weird way. Was he really Nalla's father? She hugged him tight and he then turned to her.

- You are Jhade.

- Yes sir.

- It's good to have you here.

- Thank you sir.

- Zsadist. You can call me Zsadist.

- Ok.

- He sort of smiled and kissed Nalla's forhead.

- Where are your brothers?

- The girls brought them up. They should be with mahmen by now.

With the girls Jhade now knew that Nalla meant hope, Janie and Wellsie.

- Ok, you have fun then.

- Bye daddy.

They went to Nalla's room and Jhade couldn't hide her curiosity.

- Who is mahmen?

- Oh it’s our word for mother, mom. We'll have to teach you the Old Language. My mahmen is Bella, you'll meet her soon . Which reminds me, We gotta go see Wrath about your party!


A while later they were back in Nalla's room. The King had promised he would look into the party thing and Fritz had just brought them loads of food. They got comfotable sitting on the bed and Nalla looked at her.

- So Jhade, do you have a boyfriend?

She thought of Blue Eyes, but shook her head.

- Nope.

- Have you ever had one?

- No, never.

- So you have never had sex?

- What? Well, no!

The girls erupted in laughter.

- Have you two... you know?

- No way, not in this house. We are totally overprotected. I mean we only got rid of the bedroom cameras a few years ago.

- Bedroom cameras?

- Every room in the house had one, exept for the royal one. Now, with so many couples and kids, they have demanded privacy, so Wrath agreed to remove them from the personal spaces. But they are still everywhere else.

- Wow.

- Yeah. Though I don't know what they are going to do when our needing hits. Mine should be in a few years... My dad is going to freak out for sure.

- Ah... what's a needing?

Mariah and Nalla both widened their eyes.

- They haven't told you?

- Obviously, no.

- A needing period is when we are fertile. The females that is. The first time is like 5 years after your transition and then once every 10 years. Though it can be triggered sooner by other females having it, which tends to happen in this place, though normally Doc Jane is on the ball and controls it. Its basically the only time during which we can get pregnant. And I've heard it can be really painful if the female is not serviced.

- Serviced?

- Yeah, by a male.

She wiggled her eyebrows.

- Oh you mean...

- Sex. Lots and lots of sex. For two days straight. Apparently all the males react to a female in her needing.

- Whoa.

- Yeah.

- What happens if you are not serviced?

- Doc Jane has to drug you, so you're sort of out of it. That's what Layla has been doing since...

Nalla looked at her.

- Sorry.

- Don't worry. So yours will be,,.

- In about 3 years. And I already know who I want to service me. Even though that will never ever ever happen. Like ever.

Nalla and Mariah shared giggles and Jhade couldn't hide her surprise.

- You mean the kid? Darius?

- He's not a kid. He's 25, his transition should hit soon.

Nalla's face went all dreamy.

- Oh I wish. My dad will never allow it. Plus he's the heir to the throne, so his dad wont allow it either... It's just a dream I guess. One that will never come true.

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