Lover Embraced - Chapter 4

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Lilly Anna moved around safe place, taking it all in. She loved it. The place was huge and had several added wings, as if the place had been added to over the years. One wing was called Wellesandra, another one Xhexania and yet another Jhade. Such weird names, she thought. And she wasn’t sure why, but this last name brought a flare of sadness and recognition to her. For some odd reason it felt as if it was something she had lost. Whish just didn’t make any sense. She was wondering alone in the Xhexania wing when a kid who looked about 5, ran into the hall. Another one ran right after him and they stopped only to start using sign language.

- This is the wing for kids with special needs.

Marissa appeared next to her.

- They seem to feel better when they are around other young…ah, kids they can communicate with.

A cute little girl came up to Marissa.

- Is John coming today, he needs to finish the story!

- I don’t think so honey, he’s working.

Marissa signed at the child, then explained to her;

- He comes on his day off to play with them or read them bedtime stories. They all adore him. It is really positive for them to see someone as strong, big and secure of themselves as John, with the same barrier they have.

She thought of blue eye. John. A blush crept up her cheeks and to ignore the feeling, she knelt down to the girl, who now had some friends surrounding her.

- John may not be here, but I am. Can I finish the story for you, please?

The kids looked at Marissa as if not sure what to say.

- Why don’t you all get ready? Lilly Anna will be there soon.

They all ran away with big smiles on their faces and Lilly Anna grinned, until Marissa grabbed her arm.

- Listen ah… there is something you should know.

When she stayed quiet, Lilly Anna urged her on.

- What?

- They all… We all suffer from *Allergy to the sun*

- Allergy to the sun? Really? My parents had that. At least I think they did. I was only a kid but I remember the blinds and ah… I’m babbling. Sorry.

Marissa was looking at her strangely.

- Did your parents ever talk to you about why they had those blinds? Or other… things?

Lilly Anna frowned.

- Not really. I mean, I was like 12 when they were ah… murdered but it was something I grew up with. It’s not like they talked to me much anyway, so…

She shrugged and glanced towards the playroom.

- Okay, so no playing outside, what else do I need to know?

- We… we sleep during the daylight. Normally.


Hi its John. Maris gav me ur nmbr. Hop u dont mnd. Jst wntd 2 chck on u.

Lilly Anna smiled in the dark as she felt herself blush. What was it about blue eyes that made her feel like mush inside?

She hit him back.

I don’t mind at all, am glad you did. Feel a bit weird but ok. Safe place is lovely and the people and kids are great.

His reply was almost immediate.

Gr8. Hop ur comf & feel safe.

I am. Please tell me you only write like this in texts :P

Sorry. Habit :) I think you will like my friend Blay. He is the only one I know that writes out all his words in a text message.

Soon you’ll be doing it too ;)

His reply took a little longer to come back and she was starting too feel worried that she had maybe offended him with the wink. Maybe he- her phone beeped.

Listen, me and Qhuinn want you to meet someone. Will you please come to our place at nightfall. I promise it’s safer than safe place.

She smiled, loving that he ensured her safety. It was like he could read her mind.

I’ll go, as long as you and Q are with me. You two are like my personal bodyguards now :P

You bet we are.

So what’s the address?

We’ll pick you up at 10.

I have nothing to wear.

You will be fine with what you have now – maybe we can go shopping after?

She blushed again, she wasn’t actually wearing anything, seeing as she was lying in bed, but of course John couldn’t know that.

I don’t have much $. And I am NOT a charity case.

Never said you were. We can discuss tomorrow, k?


Goodnight Lilly Anna.

She was going to reply with a ‘goodnight Blue eyes’ but went for a simple Goodnight John, instead.

She put her phone away and thought back on the last few hours. She had been waiting for the early morning bus, just wanting to get away for the weekend, out of Caldwell, when those creepy guys had appeared. She hated how they smelled of baby powder and roadkill. They had circled around her, like they always did, looking at her with those soulless eyes of theirs. It was freaky to see what people did to belong to a gang.

John and Qhuinn had been a godsend, saving her like that. She hadn’t wanted to look as they chased them away and she didn’t want to think about the weird flash of light or popping noises or the fact that there had been no noises of people running away.

Black Dagger Brotherhood Fanfic * A - Lover EmbracedWhere stories live. Discover now