Lover Embraced - Chapter 50

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Jhade dressed quickly, wondering what the hell was going on. As far as she had learned during her studies, the Scribe Virgin did not show herself to the civilians of her race. Only to the Black Dagger Brotherhood, as they were the protectors of the race.

John looked really serious as he looked at his shirt, which was ripped to pieces.

- Uhm… I have an extra-large hoodie if you want it.

He arched a brow and she just shrugged as she went to get it.

- I like comfy warm clothes. It should fit you. I think.

He put it on and she sighed.

It fit. It was a very tight, very marking-every-single-delicious-muscle-on-his-body, tight fit.

They went outside together and dematerialized right outside the mansion. Rhage was just leaving in his GTO but stopped when he saw her and John.

- Get in. She’s waiting.

They reached the Tomb shortly after and the brothers where all there, entering the Tomb together.

- Mahmen!

Oh shit, he thought. Layla had been summoned too?

John wanted to hold on to Jhade, to keep her by his side and protect her with everything he had, but she was already hugging Layla, and he had no right to her.

He gave that up a long time ago.

He just went to his corner in the cave, by himself.

Tohr came to stand by his side, and so did Xcor, for some unknown reason John had been wondering about for years now.

Brothers were still entering the cave when Layla appeared in front of him and out of the blue, hugged him.

He quickly looked at Xcor who just smiled at him, though his bonding scent did get stronger. John gently returned the hug.

- Thank you for caring for my daughter during her… It seems that I might owe you more than one favor John.

He shook his head fervently but she ignored him and went to stand next to her Hellren.

He looked down, otherwise he’d just look at Jhade and he couldn’t face her or his former best friends right now. Not after the amazing days they had just spent together.

A pair of shitkickers entered his line of vision and he looked up, knowing, without looking, who they would belong too.

He almost flinched, expecting to be punched in the face, but instead, he was pulled into an embrace.


Qhuinn hugged John for probably way to long, but he was just so damn grateful.

He had been such an ass these past few years. He knew it but, Jhade was his little girl and…

He let go of John. They had so many things to talk about.

He opened his mouth to say something but a bright flash of light reminded him that this was nor the time nor the place.

The Scribe Virgin had arrived.

He quickly moved to face her; standing in the spot Xcor and Layla had made for him and Blay.

Her face was as disapproving as always when she looked at him. He could always tell even though she was still wearing the hood of her robe.

- Warriors. Brothers of the Black Dagger Brotherhood. And guests. It is time our debt is settled for once and for all.

She floated to where Layla was and the hood came off without her touching it. Her disapproving look said it all and Qhuinn had to hold back his snort.

- So we meet again.

- Thank you for this blessing mother of the race.

Layla bowed.

- I take it your Hellren has informed you of the situation.

Layla nodded.

- Good. And so now, I shall take the life that is owed to me.

Black Dagger Brotherhood Fanfic * A - Lover EmbracedWhere stories live. Discover now