Lover Embraced - Chapter 32

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He was going to die if she didn’t wake up soon. She had stopped writhing hours ago, and was just sleeping now. He had stayed with her just in case the transition wasn’t completed and she needed more blood.

Qhuinn and Layla, were both in the room, watching over their young, both looking exhausted and worried. Blay and Xcor were both outside the bedroom, just in case their mates needed anything.

He looked at Qhuinn who nodded at him and signed.

- Thank you.

- No problem.

Their attention turned to the bed again as Jhade started shaking slightly. He quickly scored his raw wrist, ready to feed her again.

When she had tasted him the first time and moaned, John had been instantly hard. Then she had begun the transition for real and it had driven him mad with worry. He wasn’t sure why but, he couldn’t lose her.

- I think she’s just got the shivers.

Layla was pale and was holding her pregnant belly protectively.

- Yeah, I think so too. Layla, why don’t you go out with Xcor and head back to your room. Jhade is fine, she’s going to make it and you need to rest.

She must have been truly exhausted because instead of fighting him, she just nodded. Qhuinn helped her up and she walked up to the bed, where he was still holding Jhade in the protective cradle of his arms. She spoke to him in the old language.

- Thank you for taking care of my firstborn during her transition. She is blood of my blood and I will be forever in your debt. Ask, and whatever I can do, whenever I can do it, I shall. This is my vow to you, Tehrror, warrior of the Black Dagger Brotherhood.


He blinked stupidly as she kissed his cheek and blew one towards Jhade, knowing she would be too sensitive to touch.

The door closed as she left and he stayed behind with Qhuinn in awkward silence, waiting for… nothing really, as Jhade was sleeping soundly, no more shivers raking her delicate body.

- Thanks man. I owe you.

Qhuinn’s words were merely a whisper but he heard them loud and clear. He nodded, feeling horrible, because it had been his pleasure and he was hoping to be the one to service her always. And how fucked up was that.


 A few hours later, he and Qhuinn got out of the room, where Blay quickly got up.

- She ok?

- Yeah. John fed her, she made it.

Qhuinn hugged his hellren before turning to John.

- Will you stay? In case she needs to feed again.

He nodded as they walked towards their rooms, Qhuinn and Blay disappearing into theirs and him getting into the one that used to be his. He leaned against the door, rubbing his face with both hands, smelling her all around him.


He needed to get her scent off him. He quickly stripped and walked to his bathroom. His cock was aching, having been hard all this time. He tried to ignore it as best as he could as he got under the warm spray of water.

No such luck.

His mind traveled back to 4 months ago when they had been together. He grabbed the soap, angry with himself for even allowing himself to think about that. He started washing himself.

Arms, suds suds suds.

Legs, pecs, abs suds suds suds.

He looked down at the thick length of his cock and groaned silently. Maybe if he took care of himself 3 or 4 times, the beast would calm down a little. Enough to let him sleep.

He grabbed himself and slowly started pumping up and down. He gasped and put one arm on the slippery tile, letting the water cascade around him as his mind conjured images of Jhade as she climaxed. He could have sworn she was in the room with him as hwe unique scent of arousal saturated his senses.

- John?

Black Dagger Brotherhood Fanfic * A - Lover EmbracedWhere stories live. Discover now