Lover Embraced - Chapter 45

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Jhade looked outside the window at the worst snowstorm she had ever seen.

She should have been cold.

She was boiling.

A dull ache in her womb had her almost in tears and she was fearing this was what Nalla had been telling her about.

The worst pain ever.

Until you got drugged. Or serviced.

She wouldn’t get either.

Most of the Chosen had gone to the other side and she knew Phury and Cormia had gone up to the Mansion. Which meant she would go through this alone. She gasped as the pain started to get more intense and she fell to her knees.

The bed, she needed to get to the bed.

She ripped her clothes of as best as she could, holding on to her phone. Dialing the only number she could think of.



Qhuinn and Blay dematerialized at Rehv’s camp. Despite the fact that they weren’t exactly on speaking terms, wherever Qhuinn went, Blay followed.

- What did John’s text say?

- That’s she’s in pain, and she needs the drugs.

- Her needing? How did he know?

The stomped up the stairs to get to Jhade’s room.

- Jhade! I don’t know how he knew, I haven’t replied. Jhade!

They walked into her room and paled as the wave hit them.

Fuck. He needed to get the drugs in her system now. Before it got more intense.

- Blay, get out of here. Leave!

- I’m helping you!

- The hell you are. Get the fuck out, now.

Jhade was barely covered by the sheets, and even though she was wearing her underwear, he didn’t want anyone to see.

- There baby girl. Let me make you better. Stay still.

- Qhuinn?

- Yeah, I’m here. Come on, let me just inject…

- No! No drugs.

- But honey…

- I said no.

He inched closer, willing to ignore her. Anything to take away her pain, but she must have sensed him because her leg kicked out, knocking the vial out of his hand, the glass shattering against the wall.


- I said… no drugs.

- But you will hurt, you will be in pain.

- Don’t. Care.

- I won’t let you suffer like this.

- No drugs.

Her scream pierced his ears and he walked out to the hall where Blay was pacing up and down.

- She broke the vial. Says no drugs.

- Fuck. Doc Jane is unreachable and Manny can’t dematerialize. He won’t be able to get through the storm in a car. Would take him too long if he could, anyway.

- I know.

- So, she’ll have to go through this in pain.

- Hell no.

He grabbed his phone. Dialed a number he knew by heart.

- John. It’s me. She’s gone into her needing, like you said. She broke the vial and we can’t get Doc Jane or Manny here with more. She’s suffering. She’s in pain.

A gutwrenching scream added veracity to that statement and he gripped the phone harder making it crack. He spoke through gritted teeth to the only person that could help him.

- Please help her. I need you. John… she needs you.

The phone died and he wanted to scream in frustration. Someone knocked on the door.

Please dearest Virgin Scribe let it be…

Blay opened the door and John walked in looking like hell. He just stood there looking at Qhuinn.

Oh fuck. To hell with it. This was his best friend.

He walked up to John and they embraced.

- Help her please.

John nodded, determination filling his features. He greeted Blay and ran up the stairs, already ripping off his tshirt, showing the new tattoos that covered his body.

He knew he’d done the right thing.

- Come on nallum, we can’t stay here. We need to warn everyone to stay away and then, I need to be inside you.

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