Lover Embraced - Chapter 12

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Layla could not believe her eyes. Yet she had proof, right in front of her. Her daughter, the young she had thought had gone onto the Fade, was alive and well.

- I am so sorry.

She whispered the words as her young looked at her with a frown. A frown just like Qhuinn’s. She was beautiful. Royal, elegant features and pale skin, much like her own and hair black as the night, just like her father. As well as his eyes. Those beautiful mismatched eyes.

- Why are you sorry? You didn’t…

All of a sudden she paled and her eyes widened.

- Did you… give me away?

- Hell no!

Qhuinn, blunt as aways, stated it very clearly. Layla simply shook her head.

- You were a loved young. From the moment we knew you existed, we loved you. You were taken from us. Due to some complications I had to go to Havers, our race’s physician. Doc Jane and Manny had to attend to the brothers after a fight, so they could not accompany me.

She remembered the pain of giving birth. She could remember Havers face, so apologetic.

- We we’re told you were already… that you had been born…

- They told you I was dead?

Surprise filled her voice. Layla nodded as more tears fell from her eyes.

- T’is not an uncommon thing in our race. We had no reason to disbelieve. I was… we were devastated. You meant so much to us and then you were gone. Just like that.

- So this Havers person… he just got rid of me? Gave me away or something? Why the hell would he do that?

- We would have to ask him, but I think I know.

Qhuinn tapped underneath his eye.

- There is a part of our race, they are called the Glymera, who believe that anyone who is different in their eyes, is a defect. Unacceptable. Havers is one of them, so to him…

- I was a defect.

- You. Are. Not. But yeah, someone as stupid as him would think that.

- Why would he give me away, though? Why not just kill me?

- Because he is a coward.

- Huh… so can I meet him? I would like to meet the man, vampire, that separated me from my family.


 Everyone in the room tensed.

- That’s not happening.

- Why not?

- Because we are going to kill him.

She should be shocked.

She should be scared.

But she had a feeling this was just the way of this world she was finding herself in.

- Okay, fine.

She looked around and a realization clicked in her head as curiosity filled her mind.

Qhuinn had Blaylock.

Layla had her man, male. Whatever.

So… how on earth did she even exists? How did she come to be? While she kept looking around the room, Layla flushed as if guessing her thoughts. Lilly had to grin, ohh she totally needed the ins and outs on that one.

This whole situation was too unreal but unless it was a dream, she was stuck here, so she might as well accept it.

- So, when am I becoming one of you?

An hour later she was back in the bedroom. Her mind filled with so much information, she was wondering why she didn’t have a head ache.

In the next few months she was going to go through a ‘transition’ which she possibly couldn’t survive and she was going to have to drink blood from a male vampire. The thought didn’t disgust her as it should.

They didn’t know who they were going to use as apparently all the males in the house were unavailable. After her transition, she would have to drink regularly, though she could still eat normal food and thank god for that because she loved a nice turkey sandwich.

She wondered who she would be drinking from and immediately thought of blue eyes. She could feel herself getting wet at the thought of him, something that had never happened before. Her breasts felt achy and swollen and she seriously considered getting herself off, even though in the past that had done nothing for her.

She unfastened her pants and was just about to put her hand down her panties when a knock sounded at the door, freezing her.

Embarrassment flooded through her as she got up, fixed her clothes and opened the door. Her own private fantasy was standing there with a huge tray of food and some shopping bags.

She motioned for him to come in and as he did, he inhaled deeply. His face went from showing a casual grin to showing pure sensual desire.

Black Dagger Brotherhood Fanfic * A - Lover EmbracedWhere stories live. Discover now