Lover Embraced - Epilogue

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- Are you sure you are ok with being alone?

- I’ll be fine nallum. You need to go out and fight. Protect the race and all that. Don’t worry, I know who I mated, and I will never forget how we met. If you hadn’t been out there… who knows what would have happened to me. Just promise me you will be careful.

- From now on, always. I have someone to life for now.

He kissed her hard.

- Can we talk about Safe Place when you get back?

He groaned but nodded.

Marissa had approached her, asking her if she wanted a job or to help out, and she had been thinking that yeah, she did. Even though John wasn’t so happy with the idea, as he wanted her safe at home being his usual he-man, she would convince him eventually.

She kissed him again.

- I’m spending time with the girls tonight, see how Nalla is doing.

John nodded and then whistled.

The door to the hall opened and her dad and Blay were there, dressed to fight. She let go of John and went over to Qhuinn and Blay, hugging them both.

- Be careful out there ok?

- Always baby girl. Now come on son, we gotta go kill us some stinkin’ lessers.

John gave her a quick kiss as he walked out and joined his father in law. She shook her head amused.

Everything had turned out for the better, she thought as she saw them walk down the corridor.

Six years ago her life had been turned upside down at that bus stop, by a pair of blue eyes and a pair of blue-green eyes, like her own.

Who would have ever thought that that night would be the beginning of her real life?

The life she was living now, with the male she loved and a family to embrace whenever she wanted.

What more could she ask?

The End...

 Check my next FanFic called Lover Sacrificed :)

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