Lover Embraced - Chapter 21

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Jhade had been here for a week now. A whole week. And she hadn’t seen her father or mother since that first day. Not even Blay. Or John Matthew. So hey, she was feeling right at home. She was good with being ignored.

But who was she kidding.

She felt hurt.

She felt disappointed. Nalla and Mariah had not left her alone for a minute, they had been doing sleepovers, and picking out clothes. Even a dress for tonight’s party.

She snorted.

Why would they have a party when they clearly didn’t give a fuck about her?

She wanted to leave.

Go back to St. Mary’s and pretend this had never happened.

Except Nalla had guessed her thoughts and warned her that if her transition hit and she didn’t have any blood, any male vampire blood, she would die.

And that just wasn’t an option.

A knock on the door startled her.

- Come in.

- Hello daughter mine.

- Layla.

It hurt, even though she didn’t want it to. She had to pretend not to care. She couldn’t allow herself to care.

- I am so sorry for not being here these last few days. I ah… I went through my needing.

The last words were said on a whisper and accompanied with a blush.

Oh. Ohhhh.

- Riiiiight.

She smiled, tears threatening to appear.

- I kinda thought maybe you…

- What?

- Didn’t like me or something. Which is ok, I mean, I am used to it, I had just thought…

- You couldn’t be more wrong. I only stayed away because my needing hit.

Layla walked up to her and hugged her tightly.

- I love you. You are the best thing that ever happened to me. To me and Qhuinn.

- I haven’t seen him all week either.

- Oh, my darling child. He has been busy with brotherhood things. It happens sometimes. But I know for a fact that he loves you just as much as I do.

Another knock interrupted them and Layla opened the door to Nalla and Mariah.

- Hey girl, let’s get you ready for this party!


John took another hard swig from his Jack Daniels. He was only here because he didn’t have an excuse credible enough, not to be. He hadn’t seen her in a week, though she haunted his days and nights. He couldn’t stop thinking about that kiss and he suspected Blay knew, given all the disapproving look he received.

He had even been to the Iron Mask, hoping that if he got himself laid he’d get over her.


No such luck.

He hadn’t even been able to get it up.

For fuck sake he was supposed to be mourning his shellan.

The commotion in the vestibule had him looking up.

- There she is. –someone said.

Instant hardon.

Watching her walk down the stairs should have brought him memories of when he got mated to Xhex. But Jhade was so different that there was no comparison.

Xhex had had short hair, Jhade’s was long.

Xhex had had pale skin, Jhade had sunkissed skin.

Xhex had been pure muscle, almost masculine, Jhade was the most sensual and feminine female he had ever seen, with her beautiful curves.

Curves that were accentuated with a blue and green dress.

A dress to match her eyes.


She was going to be the death of him.

She looked around as if looking for someone and as her eyes locked with his, he seriously though his heart was going to stop beating.

Someone put an arm around his shoulder and half dragged half pushed him into the playroom.

- You need to stop that John.

- I’m not doing anything.

- You’re lusting after her. And if I can see it, other people can too.

- It’s not like I can help it. And it’s not like I am actually doing anything about it.

- Yet.

- Ever.

- John.

- I am not risking my friendship with Qhuinn. And she can’t replace Xhex.

- Seems to me she already has.

- Fuck you.

Qhuinn prevented Blay from replying.

- There you guys are. Why are you hiding in here? Come on, it’s my girl’s party! We have to forget this Havers shit for a few hours and welcome her back properly.

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