Lover Embraced - Chapter 15

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The next night, Lilly was pacing in her room waiting for… well, she wasn’t sure. She had been hoping John would bring her food again. Or more clothes. Or himself.

No such luck. She wanted to see him again, but she didn’t dare venture out of the room by herself. Not yet. She had texted him, but not received a reply. He was really avoiding her.

Had her kiss been that awful, or did it really just have to do with the fact that he was friends with her father. Vampire dad. She grinned, getting more used to the situation by the minute.

A light knock on the door had her heart skipping a beat.

- Oh Layla hi!

- Hello daughter mine, how fare thee?

- I’m good. A bit bored, to be honest.

- I thought so.

Her smile was warm.

- I should like to keep you company. If it would not offend?

- Offend? Are you crazy? I have so many questions and I would really like to get to know you!

Layla sniffed delicately and blinked a few times.

- No tears please. I’m here now and it seems that I am not going anywhere for a while so, let’s just make up for all the years we lost ok?

- Yes, I should like that.

- Great, so why don’t we start by you showing me around the house, mansion, palace. Whatever this place is.

- I would love to.

Lilly closed the door behind her and stood next to her mother.

It was so weird; she only looked like 2 or 3 years older, at the most. She smiled, and threaded her arm though Layla, shocking the other woman.

- So, I have decided last night that I should really use my real name. I never liked Lilly Anna anyway.

- Truly?

Layla seemed shocked.

- Truly. So tell me, how did you decide you wanted to call me Jhade?

A few hours later Jhade’s head was spinning with even more information. It was amazing hour this species worked. Life span, ceremonies, Scribe Virgin, Primale, Chosen, Brotherhood, transition, sympaths. Her mother had explained a little about all of it.

Her life had changed so much in just a matter of days, it seemed unreal.

- Are you okay?

The fallen chosen Layla, her mother, asked her softly.

- Yeah, I am. Just a bit overwhelmed. I mean, I had my life, my job at the orphanage, a different name. And now, I have no idea what I am supposed to do or what is going to happen with my life. I am not sure I know who I am anymore.

Layla’s face lit up.

- You will find out. And I know exactly how to help you. Come with me!


They walked through a door into a really long tunnel.

- Where are we?

- Oh, these are the training and medical facilities. Come.

Layla stopped at one of the doors and knocked.

- Come in!

They walked into what seemed like a classroom, with about 13 students, all different ages.

- Hi Layla. Oh wow…

The class just seemed to freeze as they caught sight of her.

- It really is you. Jhade.

- Yup.

She looked at Layla, grinning.

- Maybe we should have a party or something, like a get-together so everyone can be amazed and gasp at the same time.

The woman in front of the classroom smiled.

- Sorry. It’s just that we have heard so much about you, it’s a bit of a shock. And we should totally have a party!

- Calm down Nalla. I brought her here as she is good with kids. I thought maybe she can help you out.

- Yeah of course. Come in, get to know everyone and we can have a chat later. I have got gossip on everyone!

She winked at her and Jhade decided she liked her already. She looked around and the class seemed to be filled with vampires-to-be of all ages and sizes.

- Will you be ok here? There is somewhere I need to be.

- Sure, I’ll be fine. Thank you.

On impulse, she hugged Layla, who returned the embrace without hesitating. This is what she had been missing all her life. Layla dedicated her a loving smile.

- Treat her well Nalla. I shall see you later.

Layla left and she looked around again. Most looked like 14 year olds, only one or two looked older and there were a few little ones. Nalla stood next to her.

- Meet all the pretrans in the brotherhood household. I’m Nalla, the oldest. The big one in the corner is Ahgony, he has just been through his transition. This is Darius, and he is John Matthew, we just call him Matt, both are Wrath and Beth’s. The princes of the brotherhood.

- Shut up Nalla.

Darius grinned at her, and Jhade could have sworn Nalla blushed. But the kid was like 15. Odd.

- Then there’s Mariah, Wellsie, the twins, Hope and Hunter, Janie, Trezzie, and all the little ones. My brothers, twins, Qhuinn and Revh, and my cousins, also twins, Belle and Baby. One day you’ll learn who belongs to who, who is related to who and why the kids have the names they do. I’ll create a class just for you.

Nalla winked at her.

- Okay. Wow. Hi!

She got some curious grins and smiles. Matt seemed the cheekiest one as he winked at her. He was like 12!

- So yeah, welcome to the family.

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