Mia’s POV
The next day I don’t get up until around 11am again, I really hate jetlag, it sucks. I drag myself out of bed and get straight into the nice warm shower, it takes me an hour to get ready today, my makeup just won’t go right, I think as I continue trying to perfect my eyeliner in the mirror. I’m just glad that my hair is fine if I just leave it to dry. After finally getting my makeup right I plod downstairs dreading what my mother would make me do today even though I feel terrible, but once I get downstairs I can’t see my parents anywhere, so I wonder into the kitchen to find something to eat to stop my stomach from complaining. As I go over to the cupboard to find the cheerios I notice a small piece of paper on the side which read:
‘We have just popped out to get some food, you can’t live on cheerios forever.
-Mum and Dad x
I smile to myself at my mums attempt at humour. After finishing my bowl of cheerios, locating the dishwasher and putting my bowl into it, I decide that although I would have loved to stay in the house and do nothing, I know that as soon as my parents get home then I will soon be put to work with unpacking the shopping or something of that sort. In order to prevent that from happening I decide to go out and get my bearings with my new surroundings in Mullingar.
I quickly write a note telling my parents what I was doing and that I would be back for dinner. Once I have locked up and walked to the end of the drive I look left and then right trying to decide which way to go. A sign catches my eye and tells me that the shops are to the left so I decide to walk in the opposite direction. After walking for about 10 minutes I am starting to get bored since there is nothing of interest so far, but one thought about having to unpack the shopping and my feet begin to pick up the pace again. After another five minutes of houses and trees I come across a small park that has a beautiful duck pond in it. There is also a football pitch a bit further up and a playground just past that but I decide to take a seat on one of the benches and watch the ducks go about their everyday lives.
I don’t know how long I have been sitting on the bench before someone comes and sits next to me. I am a little surprised at this since there are two other benches that are completely vacant and yet this person has decided to take a seat next to me…great. It isn’t until I glance up that I realise that the stranger is Niall. After realising who it is I must have looked a bit shocked because Niall laughs his infectious and adorable laugh causing me to laugh as well.
“You should have seen your face!” He laughs, “It was quite the picture; I really wish that I had a camera.” He continues to laugh causing me to continue laughing as well.
Once our breathing has returned to normal I begin to frantically think of things to say…
“So is it just you at home?” I ask, hoping to strike up a conversation.
“If you are asking if I have any siblings then I have a brother, Gregg, but he is at University and he has gone on holiday with some friends for a few weeks in California, apparently one of his friends is loaded so he doesn’t have to pay for the trip. But it’s usually just me most of the time now.” He replies.
“Oh,” I say, “I just moved from California, it’s nice there even though I didn’t really want to move there in the first place.” I admit.
“Why didn’t you want to move?” He asks sounding genuinely interested.
“Well, I didn’t really want to leave everything that I had ever known behind not knowing when I would see my best friends again.” I say and mean it.
“What made you change your mind?” He asks me, he’s so sweet to actually be taking an interest in me even though we have only just met.
“Well once I met Tara I started to like my new life because I had a new best friend to help me through, and I was so sad when I was told that I had to leave because it meant that I would probably not see her for years. So I am now currently trying to keep in touch with 5 best friends across the globe.” I say, it’s not that I don’t like Ireland I just don’t know anyone, but now that I’ve met Niall, things are looking up. But wait…what if he goes away for a holiday??? “So are you going anywhere on holiday this summer?” I ask casually.

Limitless (Niall Horan Fanfic)
FanfictionMeet Mia, an average teenage girl who has parents that have to travel a lot for their careers, she has spent the last year in California and just when she thinks that she will return to London at the beginning of summer, her parents have other ideas...