(Here is the second update, sorry it's a bit late :-) )
Niall’s POV
I wake up in the morning to find Mia’s head resting on my chest with her left arm draped over me. She looks like an angel when she’s sleeping, so peaceful. I slowly lift her off me so that I don’t wake her, and creep out of the room. I make my way downstairs and wonder into the kitchen to find that my dad is already awake and in the kitchen cooking breakfast. I go to the fridge and pour two glasses of milk and put them on a tray before grabbing some toast with nutella on to take up to Mia.
Mia’s POV
I wake up, momentarily forgetting where I am, then I remember that I’m staying with Niall, I smile as I think about how I had fallen asleep in his arms. I look to my right to see if he’s awake yet or not but to my horror he is nowhere to be seen. I sit bolt upright as tears spring to my eyes. Where is he? Did he leave me in the night? The tears begin to stream down my face. What if something’s happened to him? I begin to panic as I gather the duvet around me and bury my face in it, hoping with all my heart that this was just some horrible nightmare and that I’ll wake up soon. I can’t stop crying and I’m shaking as my mind takes me to places that I never want to go back to. What if those men have escaped from prison and come back for me? What if they’ve hurt Niall and it’s only a matter of time before they come back up for me? My eyes fix on the door as it begins to open and I stare at it fearing who was going to step through the door. As soon as I see that it’s Niall relief floods over me and I wipe away the tears hoping that he hasn’t noticed them as he steps further into the room carrying a tray which appears to have food on.
Niall’s POV
As I step into the room I immediately see her tear soaked face. I hurriedly put the tray down on my desk before rushing to her side.
“What’s the matter?” I whisper into her hair as I pull her into a hug.
“Nothing.” She mumbles against my chest but I know that that isn’t the case.
“Tell me.” I say, I want her to feel like she can tell me anything.
“It’s stupid…” she says as she pulls away from me “…it’s just that I thought that maybe you had left me, or that…that…” and she begins to cry again. I pull her back into my chest.
“Shhhhhh” I sooth.
“I thought that they had come back and…and something terrible had happened to you.” She sobs into my chest.
“I’m so sorry,” I say to her as I hug her even tighter to my body. “I should never have left you, I should have realised that you wouldn’t want to wake up alone. I’m so, so sorry.”
I can tell that she is stopping crying because her body isn’t shaking as much. I gently take her by the shoulders and push her away from my body before tilting her chin so that she’s looking into my eyes.
“Please forgive me.” I beg. Why was I stupid enough to leave her alone when I knew how fragile she was after what happened to her?
A look of confusion floods onto her face.
“There is nothing to forgive.” She tells me, “I was jumping to conclusions again and being stupid, I should have trusted that you wouldn’t have left me or anything.”
“No, I should have expected you to feel insecure after what happened.” I say, I feel so guilty and stupid for leaving her. What kind of idiot does that?
“It’s not your fault, please stop blaming yourself for something that wasn’t your fault. Please, for me.” She pleads, I can see in her eyes that she means what she says.

Limitless (Niall Horan Fanfic)
FanfictionMeet Mia, an average teenage girl who has parents that have to travel a lot for their careers, she has spent the last year in California and just when she thinks that she will return to London at the beginning of summer, her parents have other ideas...