Mia’s POV
I wake up way too early in the morning. The tapping is back but this time it isn’t on my bathroom window, it’s moved to my bedroom window. I sit up slowly, wide eyed at who or what is out there. I pull my duvet up to my chin and hug my knees to my chest. Having watched that horror movie last night was not helping this situation. After a few deep breaths I slowly get out of bed and walk over to the window, keeping the light off so that I will be able to see out better and I also don’t want them to know that I’m awake. Carefully, I move the curtain a small amount, just enough to see out, tap. I jump as the small pebble hits the window right in front of my face. I peer out, trying to see where the pebble came from but it’s just dark, all that I can see is the public footpath but again it’s empty. Another one hits and I jump backwards dropping the curtain. I turn my back on the window and run across the hall and into Georgia’s room.
“What? Mia what is it? It’s too early to be up, go back to bed.” Is the sleepy reply I get when I run into her room and start to shake her shoulders, careful not to hurt her and her injuries.
“No, G, please listen to me.”
“What? Mia. What is it?” She grumbles as she sits herself up, rubbing sleep from her eyes.
“There’s something tapping at my window.” I tell her and she rolls her eyes.
“You’re imagining things, it’s that film, it’s getting to you that’s all.” She sighs, sliding back under her covers but I’m not giving up that easily.
“No it’s not. This isn’t the first time that this has happened and I’m almost positive that it won’t be the last.”
“Mia. Please just go back to bed…”
“No!” I say stubbornly.
“Fine. Gosh. I’ll come and see but you are so dead if you woke me up for no reason.” She says, getting up stiffly, occasionally wincing with her movements. We both go into my room and she goes over to my window but she doesn’t open the curtain, she just stands there and sure enough the tapping noise happens again and she jumps a little, clearly she hadn’t expected me to be right.
“See? I told you I wasn’t imagining it.”
“Ok…so what is it?”
“I don’t know, but when I went out the last time a person wearing all black jumped out of the bushes and ran away. I looked out tonight and I can’t see anything…” I’m cut off by my phone ringing making both Georgia and I jump. I run over to my bed side table and pick it up. The caller ID read ‘Blocked Number’. My eyes widen and I show it to Georgia who looks shocked, the tapping has stopped as well.
“Do I answer it?” I ask still holding the phone out to Georgia.
“Put it on speaker and record it.” She tells me and so I fumble with the phone, almost dropping it in the process.
“Here.” She pulls her phone out from her bra, I hope she doesn’t sleep with it in there, that wouldn’t be comfy. She probably just picked it up on her way out of bed, she hates not having her phone with her at all times even at 4 in the morning. She goes onto the recording app and presses the record button as I press the green button, thank goodness Georgia’s fast with her phone.
“Enjoy your time with Niall and Louis, it won’t last much longer.” Is all that the voice says before hanging up. I stare at the phone and I feel tears prick at my eyes and I try to blink them away but some fall down my cheeks. I quickly wipe them away and look at Georgia putting my phone away in the process.

Limitless (Niall Horan Fanfic)
FanficMeet Mia, an average teenage girl who has parents that have to travel a lot for their careers, she has spent the last year in California and just when she thinks that she will return to London at the beginning of summer, her parents have other ideas...