Mia's POV
"Get a torch." Charlie says and everyone else moves to their pockets for their phones, Charlie catching on a moment later before pulling hers out too. We use them to shine light into the darkness, showing us a stone stairwell heading down and into the ground.
"Well, this is the single most scariest thing that I've ever seen." Halli says as I take a step closer.
"Mia. What are you doing?" Niall asks and I don't need to look at him to hear the alarm in his voice.
"Well I for one want to know what's down there, we've got this far, I don't want to just turn back now." I say, creeping further still bringing me into the entrance.
"Mia, it's one in the morning, maybe we should wait until another night." Harry reasons as Niall take a step towards me and grabs my arm but at that moment there's another click and the bookcase begins to swing closed, pushing Niall and I into the darkness and locking with a soft click behind us, shutting us in.
"Guys? Can you let us out please?" Niall shouts through the darkness as I shine my light further down the stairs to see if I can see anything interesting.
"We're trying, the lock's stuck, it's like, it's hard to explain but the book is slowly moving back to its original position so I don't think that we can open it again until it has stopped moving." Charlie calls back.
"What? So we're locked in here?" Niall responds incredulously and I swing the light back around to face him and I can see that he really doesn't like being in here. There's a sound like muffled voices but I can't make out what they're saying through the bookcase.
"Yeah, I think that we're just going to have to wait until we can unlock it again but who knows when that will be." Comes Harry's voice, loader and clearer than the others. Niall lets out a sigh and slides down the back of the bookcase, his knees bent as he sits there.
"I'm sorry Niall, this is all my fault, if I hadn't have got so close to it then we wouldn't be here right now." I say, sliding down so that I'm next to him in the same position.
"This isn't your fault, it's not like I'm not curious, it's just that it's nearly 1am and we have rehearsals tomorrow morning and besides you weren't going to know that it was going to close on us like that so this isn't your fault." Niall sighs, trying to look into my eyes but I turn my head away, not wanting to believe his words because I know that he's only saying that and in fact it's my fault. I don't say anything in response, just sit there, silently, but it's cold in this, this, whatever this is and it's getting to me, I begin to shiver and not even when Niall puts his arm around me do I begin to warm up.
"Do we really just have to sit here?" I ask after what feels like an eternity.
"Well, no, but the only way that we can go at the moment is into the unknown, where several people have died and I don't know about you but it doesn't sound or look very inviting to me." He replies and I lift my head from where it had been resting on his shoulder so that I can look at him.
"Don't tell me that my big, strong, brave boyfriend is scared of the dark." I tease.
"What? No. Of course not. What would make you say that? You know what? Fine. Let's go and see what's down here, that'll show you that I'm not scared." He says, standing up and pulling me up with him, my cold limbs slow at first in their movement.
"Guys?" I call, hoping that they're actually still there.
"Yeah?" Comes Georgia's reply.
"We're bored so we're going to explore what's down here." I call through.

Limitless (Niall Horan Fanfic)
FanfictionMeet Mia, an average teenage girl who has parents that have to travel a lot for their careers, she has spent the last year in California and just when she thinks that she will return to London at the beginning of summer, her parents have other ideas...