Mia’s POV
“Ok so what’s the plan then boys?” I ask as we stand in our base all geared up with our colourful red tops, yes because that won’t make us obvious, note the sarcasm.
“Erm go out and try to hit the opposition?” Zayn suggests with a shrug. I roll my eyes and turn to Harry and Niall the boys are the only ones that have done this before.
“Well I guess we should have at least one guard.” Harry suggests also with a shrug.
“Ok…so who wants to guard?” I ask and Halli quickly raises her hand as if she were in class.
“Ok good, so we have a guard, so that means the rest of us go off and try to get the others base yes?” I said.
“Ok cool.” Niall says squeezing my hand with a smile.
“Well, since Halli’s a beginner, shouldn’t someone stay with her?” Harry says and I nod. “Ok, I’ll do it.” He says barely giving any of us time to think.
“Ok, sorted, how do we know when the game starts?” I ask furrowing my brow.
“Listen for the loud noise.” Zayn says as he opens the door and lets everyone out.
“What…” But Halli’s question is answered before she can finish asking it when there’s a loud buzzing noise telling us that we can begin. Right since Zayn’s going straight and Niall seems to be going right, I’ll go left. I can feel the adrenalin pumping through my body as I make my way through the trees, ok so the playing field isn’t actually a field but a wood isn’t far off a field right? I cringe as I hear a twig snap under my foot but no one seems to be around since I’m not ambushed even after standing completely still for about five minutes.
I continue to move through the undergrowth listening for any signs of life and yet also terrified that if I come across Louis then I might get shot about 20 times and I don’t want that, the bullets hit you quite hard and I don’t really want any bruises since Louis isn’t what I would call ‘good’ at aim, he tends to shoot lots of times just to make double sure that his target is actually ‘dead’.
As soon as I hear the twig snap from behind me I turn as silently as I can to see if I can see who it is but everything is quiet so I cautiously turn back around and continue to walk or rather tiptoe, turning my head to look behind me now and again to make sure that I’m not being followed, but then I hear a rustling sound again from behind me but I still can’t see anyone, so I decide to climb a tree. Yes a tree, I want to get a better view and how better than to gain height? I move over to a large tree with rather low branches and allow my paint ball gun to hang loosely around my neck as I take hold of the first branch and attempt to find a foot hold, this is when I realise that maybe ballet pumps were the wrong style shoe for this. On my third branch up my foot slips making a loud noise and I freeze as I hear rustling coming from the direction that I had been heading as well as from behind me, I’m cornered this is it, I’m going to be out of the game, let’s just hope that the others get to their base and capture it. But as I brace myself for the ‘killing’ I feel two hands grip my hips and I look down to see Niall looking up at me.
“Hurry or they’ll get you.” He stage whispers to me and I begin to climb again with a little help from Niall. As soon as I’m up in the tree, covered by the leaves, he hide behind the trunk of the same tree just as Louis and Georgia come into sight.
“I swear I heard something.” Louis says looking around, I carefully lift my gun up so that I can aim it, knowing that Louis and Georgia have no idea that Niall and I are hidden where we are. I glance down at him and he nods at me. Louis is the one that I need to shoot first since Georgia would most likely panic without him.

Limitless (Niall Horan Fanfic)
FanfictionMeet Mia, an average teenage girl who has parents that have to travel a lot for their careers, she has spent the last year in California and just when she thinks that she will return to London at the beginning of summer, her parents have other ideas...