Mia’s POV
I wake up on Sunday morning with a huge smile on my face, the boys had been amazing and they’d gone through with no problems. I just feel kind of sorry for everyone that watch from home that will have to wait until later today to find out what happened.
Today’s the day that I get to spend time out of the x factor area with Niall and the others and I’m so excited. Georgia’s coming as well but the others said that they’re busy, they had all got a load of homework from Biology. I get up, washed, dressed and do my makeup as fast as I can before rushing downstairs and eating a bowl of cheerios and drinking a glass of milk for breakfast. It’s now 10am and I’m meeting the boys at Selfridges at 11 so I have an hour to get there which is plenty of time, in fact if I leave now I’ll be waiting around for ages, but if I don’t go then I’ll just spend my time looking at the clock and sighing when time passes slowly.
“I’m going!” I call to my mum who’s sat watching some cooking show or something like that in the living room.
“Ok honey, have a good time and tell the boys that I’ll see them on Monday morning bright and early to start on this week’s song.” She tells me and I nod and promise that I will before putting on my favourite black boots and grabbing my handbag and making my way to the tube station, vigorously texting Georgia along the way to see if she can get there any earlier, but not getting my hopes up since she’s usually late.
I get there at 10.30, half an hour to go, great. Well there’s no point in just hanging around until 11 so I decide to go and sit in Starbucks and have a hot chocolate since it’s now October and there’s a chill in the air. I go in and sit down in a quiet booth in the corner, tucked away from the hustle and bustle of Oxford Street. I pull my phone out as I sip at my hot chocolate and check my messages. There’s one from Niall and one from Georgia.
*Good morning beautiful, I hope you slept well, I can’t wait to see you today and Harry says, and I quote, ‘Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiii’. I love you. Xxxxx <3*
I smile as I read Niall’s text before replying.
*I can’t wait to see you either and I did sleep well thanks, tell Harry that he can text me himself but I say Hi back :-P. I love you too, see you soon I hope since right now I look like a loner sat in Starbucks. Xxxxx <3*
I then move onto the text from Georgia which doesn’t make me smile so much.
*Hey, so u know how u wanted me 2 get there early...? Yeah, well, I kinda slept through my alarm and I won’t b able 2 get there til like, 11.30 ish. Sry, pleaz don’t b pissed off. Luv u. xxx*
I sigh loudly and type my reply.
*It’s fine G, just please get here as soon as you can, and btw your spelling is totes terrible :-P Luv u too ;-) xxx*
I put my phone away again and focus on drinking my hot chocolate which, thankfully, has cooled down a bit making it easier to drink without wrecking my tongue.
“You selfish BITCH!” Shouts a familiar voice which I can’t quite place. I look up and see Zack looking furiously at an uncharacteristically ashamed looking Abby.
“Zack, you know that I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have done what I did, and I’m sorry, please forgive me.” She pleads but she’s beginning to find the cow within her that makes everyone else feel bad. “But you know that if you had been there then I wouldn’t have done it since we could have.” She says, turning the blame on him.
“What the fuck Abby, this is not my fault. If you weren’t such a slut then you wouldn’t have fucked him would you?” Zack shouts back and my eyes widen. I know that it’s rude to stare but I can’t help it, and they aren’t exactly trying to keep it to themselves.

Limitless (Niall Horan Fanfic)
Fiksi PenggemarMeet Mia, an average teenage girl who has parents that have to travel a lot for their careers, she has spent the last year in California and just when she thinks that she will return to London at the beginning of summer, her parents have other ideas...