Mia's POV
I wake up to the now usual alarm of Louis jumping on the bed, landing half on top of Niall and half on me, not managing to split apart our bodies.
"Louis get off, you weigh a ton!" I complain as his weight lands on my shoulder, knocking some air out of my lungs.
"What are you saying?!" He exclaims in mock offence as he rolls off the bed and onto his feet. "Are you calling me fat?! How dare you! Georgia! Mia just called me fat!!" He says as he stomps over to Georgia who's trying to refrain from giggling but doesn't manage it. "It's not funny young lady!" Louis says, appalled and quickly climbs up and onto the top bunk where she is and starts to tickle her, making her squeal and I can't help but hide my head into Niall's chest to try and escape the noise, it's too early. I feel Niall chuckle and I lift my head slightly out of his chest and peer up at him.
"What?" I ask with a slight giggle in my voice.
"You. I love the way that you are in the mornings, you are so adorable." He chuckles and I bite my bottom lip and bury my face back into his chest and stifling a giggle as his arms tighten around me.
"Come on you too love birds." Liam scoffs with a smirk and I lift a single eyebrow at him with a smile playing on my lips and his smirk vanishes. He runs an uneasy hand through his hair and ducks his head, heading for the bathroom with a pile of clothes on one arm. It always takes everyone ages to get ready in the morning and this time Harry's in the shower second, straight after Liam and boy do I get a shock when he comes out of the bathroom.
"Has anybody seen my clean boxers?" Harry's voice calls from the bathroom and we all look towards the door, not really looking for anything but what we hadn't expected was for Harry to walk out completely naked, hands on hips. I feel my eyes widen and I scrunch them shut as Niall very quickly wraps his arm around my neck and holds my head so that my face is once more against his chest, preventing me from looking.
"Harry put some clothes on!" Niall scolds, his grip tightening around my body.
"Yeah Hazza, some of us have girlfriends who happen to be in here." Louis says, stating the obvious.
"What? I can't find my boxers so how am I supposed to cover up?" Harry retaliates defensively.
"Use a towel?" Zayn suggests, sleepiness making his voice low and gravely. I hear some shuffling and huffing and then Niall's arms loosen from around me, allowing me to once again sit up.
"It's not like they weren't enjoying the view." Harry smirks cheekily as he begins to search for his boxers which he quickly finds before returning to the bathroom. The rest of the morning is rather uneventful, well the getting ready to leave part was. When we arrive of course we're ushered into the building and then lead into a large room with a table, much like a conference room in an office building, Simon sat at the head of it and with a sweep of one arm he motions for us all to sit down, my parents soon joining us.
"Right, now, this morning there is the press conference to clear all of this bollocks up about you boys cheating." Simon begins and I feel my hands begin to shake visibly where they are on the desk in front of me, I quickly move them out of sight and onto my knee. I had completely forgotten about the press conference today and now I feel sick, maybe having an extra pancake this morning had not been the best idea I had ever had. "Now, I will be doing most of the talking at this press conference but at times you will have to speak, now what you have to say is that you are not involved with the show." He says, addressing both Georgia and I. "Jane and Chris? You have to say that you are not involved with any part of the voting in the business and I'll confirm that. I have evidence that I can show them if they need proof, other than that you stay quiet as far as the voting is concerned, I am, however expecting there to be a lot of questions about your personal lives, now these, you do not have to answer if you don't want to, just say no comment and they should leave it and if they don't then they will be asked to leave." Simon explains very quickly, my mind racing to take in this information. There isn't going to be a lot of people is there? I cannot get up in front of a crowd. I panic inwardly as my hands continue to shake, I'm barely aware of Niall's hand until I feel the pressure of his hand squeezing mine tightly under the table. I glance over at him and he gives me an encouraging and yet worried smile but I can't bring myself to smile back, I'm too nervous. "Right, you have half an hour and then we will be heading in." Simon says, beaming around at everyone, once more motioning with one arm so that we can leave.

Limitless (Niall Horan Fanfic)
FanfictionMeet Mia, an average teenage girl who has parents that have to travel a lot for their careers, she has spent the last year in California and just when she thinks that she will return to London at the beginning of summer, her parents have other ideas...