Mia’s POV
An hour later and we’re all ready to go, even though we’ll get there about half an hour early, Louis looks like he’s going to explode with impatience, wow he really likes shopping.
“Come on! I want to take G to my favourite shop!” Louis yells at us as he tries to shepherd us out of the door.
“Which is?” Georgia asks, quirking an eyebrow at him.
“La Senza!” He yells with joy as we walk out of the house. I have written a note to my parents explaining that we have gone shopping if they arrived back before we do. I lock the door as Louis taps his foot as he gives me an impatient look while he pretends to look at an imaginary watch. I laugh and shake my head as I head in the direction that the others have taken.
“Alright Louis, you can stop hurrying me now, we’ve caught up to the others.” I laugh as he skips ahead to walk beside Georgia. Niall drops back to walk beside me as we make our way to the station.
“You look gorgeous.” He murmurs and I catch his gaze on my exposed legs. I’m wearing some denim shorts with a thin white chiffon blouse loosely tucked in with the top two buttons undone exposing a simple necklace of a small pearl. I look down at myself and see the familiar glint of my ever present anklet.
“Thank you.” I whisper back and he smiles at me.
“You know, I kind of wondered if we could find a way of ditching the others.” He says with a smirk. I smile up at him and nod eagerly. We all swipe our oyster cards and make our way to the correct platform.
“QUICK! THERE’S A TRAIN THERE!” Louis yells as he makes a dash for it just making it through the doors with Georgia, leaving the rest of us behind to wait for the next one. He grins through the window while waving as Georgia laughs, holding her stomach, just as they disappear into the tunnel I watch Louis begin to laugh with her as they try not to fall over. I roll my eyes but can’t help the smile, their laughter’s infectious even if you can’t hear it.
The rest of us stand and wait, it’s surprisingly quiet for the time of day and considering that it’s a Sunday. Getting on the tube can be quite awkward at times especially if it’s crowded and you’re sat with your face in someone’s arse for the ride, not fun, trust me I’ve done that before. Only three minutes pass before another train comes along and Liam gently herds us onto the train to find that it’s packed, ok so maybe it’s busier than I thought. For some reason I find myself in the middle of the guys while I hold onto Niall with one hand and Harry with the other since there’s nothing to keep me on my feet. It’s only a short journey which is good since it’s really hot in the train and I don’t know how much longer I can take the heat. The train stops making me fall into Niall who puts his hand up to stabilize me, I quickly thank him with a smile as we all step off the train.
We emerge from the tube station to find Louis and Georgia are there waiting, laughing together, they are the picture of a happy couple and I hope that Louis will ask her out properly soon.
“Took your time.” Louis jokes as we approach I try to roll my eyes but they are squinting from the sun shining directly into them.
“Shut up Louis.” Niall says hooking his arm around Louis’ neck as we start to walk down Oxford Street, I fall in beside Georgia as Niall and Louis walks up ahead.
“So has he asked you yet?” I ask nudging her but she shakes her head.
“No, but I think he might today, he said that he wanted to go off together today.” She says with a small smile.
“Aww you two are so cute.” I say giving her another nudge.
“Shut up, what about you and Niall?”

Limitless (Niall Horan Fanfic)
FanfictionMeet Mia, an average teenage girl who has parents that have to travel a lot for their careers, she has spent the last year in California and just when she thinks that she will return to London at the beginning of summer, her parents have other ideas...