Mia’s POV
After getting off the plane we rent a car and drive to the house that we are going to stay in for the summer. I must have fallen asleep again because the next thing I know, I’m being gently lifted by my dad and carried to my new room and laid gently on the bed, I didn’t wake up properly though, I’m then woken by an obnoxious noise coming from my phone. I groan and roll over to see what it is, and it’s one of my best friends from London. I had messaged them that I was moving to Ireland and then back to London to finish my education in September so they knew that I would be back on GMT today.
“Hello?” I say rather groggily down the phone.
“Arrrrrggghhhh” 4 voices scream down the phone which I hold away from my ear so as not to go deaf.
“Hey guys, why are you ringing me so early?” I whine.
“It’s midday, what are you talking about?” Georgia tells me.
“What!?” I say as I sit bolt upright in bed.
“Yeah, why? Were you still asleep?” Charlie asks me, but I can tell that she’s trying not to laugh.
“Of course I was still asleep I still have jetlag I got in sometime last night.” I say but I can’t help but smile at how excited my friends seemed to be because they are finally able to call and text me without it costing a fortune.
“Oh yeah sorry we forgot” Jade says not sounding sorry at all.
“It’s alright, I forgive you, and I have missed you all so much! I hope that you didn’t have too much fun without me” I chuckle while grinning into the phone.
“Oh don’t worry we haven’t had too much fun, and we all missed you too and can’t wait to see you in person!” Halli squeals excitedly down the phone with agreements from the others.
“Me neither, I just wish that I wasn’t stuck in Ireland for the summer.” I sigh.
“Yeah” they all agree.
“Well I think that we should let you get some more rest since you still have jetlag and sound quite groggy on the phone.” Charlie says, she always was the sensible one, well that is until you give her chocolate and make her hyper. We quickly say our goodbyes and see you soons before hanging up, but I know that I won’t get back to sleep so I decide to stay in bed and think about the crazy people that I called my best friends.
Georgia: now she’s the fan girl, we both find guys that we sit and fan girl about for hours, one of our favourites is Channing Tatum, I mean seriously what fan girl doesn’t like Channing, he is beautiful.
Charlie: she’s the sensible mother type person but she still knows how to have fun, especially if anything made of or with chocolate is involved, she’s also the music one, she is such a good singer, I am so jealous.
Jade: she’s the tomboy of the group but she still likes painting peoples nails and doing their makeup, she just likes to watch rugby and things like that. But she is so much fun and never fails to look annoyingly pretty in photos but we love her anyway.
Halli: she’s the sporty one, she is insanely good at swimming and she goes swimming about 7-8 times per week. I could never do that, I am far too lazy, and she has a six pack!
So those are my best friends from London, I don’t know where I would be without them.
After reminiscing about the past, I decide to use my time wisely. So I get out of bed and look in the mirror, which I immediately regret. I look awful! I am still in the clothes that I wore on the plane and they are now very crumpled and my makeup is smeared down my face from a mixture of tears and sleep. I quickly wash my face but decide that since I’m not going out anywhere yet I don’t need to get changed. I walk out of my room and down the stairs to see if my parents are awake yet and they are because I can hear them talking, I start to follow their voices to our new living room. Just as I get to the door I freeze because what I see in the living room is definitely something that I wasn’t expecting…my parents have company.

Limitless (Niall Horan Fanfic)
FanfictionMeet Mia, an average teenage girl who has parents that have to travel a lot for their careers, she has spent the last year in California and just when she thinks that she will return to London at the beginning of summer, her parents have other ideas...