I’m standing backstage with Georgia clutching onto my hand as we watch with pride. My heart’s in my throat as the music begins and the boys begin to sing, tears are in my eyes and it feels like time has sped up and we’re soon clapping as the boys finish and they’re soon walking back off the stage, they had sung amazingly, I have never felt so proud in all my life, but they never reach us.
The dream fades as the sound of my alarm clock grows and I groan as I roll over to switch it off. I have had this dream for the past week and finally it’s Saturday 9th October, the first day that the boys will be performing on the x factor and the girls and I are going to be backstage along with my parents.
It’s been almost a month since the guys moved into the x factor house and the majority of the time they have been rehearsing, though what they’re singing, they cannot say since they don’t want anything to be ‘leaked’. My alarm has been set to go off at 8am which is usually far too early for a Saturday but I need to get ready for tonight, ok so maybe I don’t need all that much time but I like to be prepared. Also, I want to look nice, there might be cameras backstage, the girls should be here at like 9, maybe 10am they are unpredictable with timing, so they’re here in plenty of time.
I get up much more easily than I usually do, why is it so much easier to get up on weekends than it is when you actually have to during the week? Once I’ve had my shower I walk over to my wardrobe with my hair wrapped up in a towel. What do you wear to something like this? I’m not too good at deciding on an outfit for an average day so this has the potential to take up the majority of my time before I have to leave and I still haven’t done my makeup or hair. I pull out a couple of dresses and lay them out on the bed and then pull out my nicest pair of dark blue skinny jeans along with a few tops and my black blazer. I already know which shoes I want to wear it’s just a matter of clothes.
After 5 minutes of holding various of different items of clothing up to my body before I decide to get on and do my hair and makeup before I make any decisions since my hair’s beginning to dry and needs sorting. I apply some volumising mousse to enhance my natural curls before making a start on my makeup. Why is it that when you want your makeup to look really nice it never really does? My eye-lining skills are pretty much none existent today when usually it only takes me maybe two tries, it takes me 5 tries on my right eye when my left seems to just look fine. After about an hour of doing and re-doing my makeup I finally feel satisfied with my makeup but no doubt the next time that I look into the mirror I will probably want to change it. I then go back to the dilemma that is my outfit.
“What are you doing?” Comes the curious voice of Jade from behind me, making me jump. I turn to see both Jade and Charlie standing in the doorway to my bedroom. This doesn’t really surprise me since my parents had told me that my friends are welcome to come round anytime they want, they’re more like family now than best friends.
“Erm, choosing my outfit for tonight.” I admit, turning back to my outfits, I had now narrowed it down to either my jeans and a cute, loose, chiffon pale pink floaty top with white buttons down the front and a V-neck line along with my black blazer, or a white dress with bright pink and blue flowers and green leaves on and a white blazer.
“Well, I think that it’s obvious what you should wear.” Jade the fashionesta of the group tells me and I turn to her giving her a look which says ‘help please’.
“Well I’m glad you can see it because I think that it’s a tough decision.” Charlie says and I smile while nodding. They both come and stand next to me while looking down at the outfits.
“So which one?” I ask slightly impatiently.
“The skinny jeans ensemble, it’s smart and yet casual and those jeans make your arse and legs look really nice.” She says and my jaw drops open slightly as I swat at her arm with a laugh. “What? It’s true you have a really nice bum ok? Just accept it.” She says and Charlie agrees. This is a regular argument, I really don’t like my bum but they always tell me it’s nice, it’s a weird argument but it still happens, I just stick my tongue out at them both before grabbing the clothes, and going into the bathroom to change.

Limitless (Niall Horan Fanfic)
FanfictionMeet Mia, an average teenage girl who has parents that have to travel a lot for their careers, she has spent the last year in California and just when she thinks that she will return to London at the beginning of summer, her parents have other ideas...