Niall's POV
"You guys were awesome. Congratulations on getting through." One of the backstage crew says to us as we leave the stage, buzzing after we found out that we're through yet another week. The fans are amazing, we really wouldn't be here without them. We all make our way back to our changing room and this time we all brought a change of clothes since we're going to be at Mia's house tonight and we already experienced that drama and I don't think that Mia would appreciate having to go through getting us all some clothes again.
"Well done guys! We're so proud of you." Jade gushes as we walk through the door to the dressing room. I change quickly into more comfortable clothes and then leave as fast as I can to go to Mia. The other girls came this week and when I walk in, Mia runs up and throws her arms around my shoulders, I wrap my arms around her waist and lift her up.
"You were amazing, I could watch you perform all night every night and the song sounded perfect, better than ever before in any rehearsals." She says to me once I've put her back down and when I look directly into her beautiful blue eyes, I can see them shining with happiness and I grin at her.
"Thank you but we wouldn't be this good without your tips." I tell her truthfully and she pulls her bottom lip in between her teeth in that irresistible way that she does and I can't resist putting my lips to hers.
"Come on guys. At least stop making out long enough to breathe." Harry says stomping his foot comically and putting his hands on his hips fake glaring at us making us laugh.
"Ok Harry, let's go." I chuckle as I take Mia's hand and begin to lead the way to the car. The amount of fans is insane and the noise is deafening as we step outside ahead of the others, the screams increasing in volume, if that's even possible, when the fans see us. We're getting recognised more and more frequently and I can't believe it, it's insane. We all wave at the fans before ducking into the awaiting car and driving off in the direction of Mia's house. I hug her to me as we drive and talk about how the show went. Just three more shows before the final.
"I can't believe how quickly it's gone. It's insane. And the fans are just out of this world, there is no way on this earth that we could ever pay them back for all that they have done." Liam says into the quiet.
"Yeah, it feels like we've only just got back from the judge's houses and yet so much has happened since then that it feels like a life time as well." Zayn says and we all agree.
"I think it's good in some ways though because even though in some ways it feels as though the time has passed quickly because of how busy we've all been, it still feels as though I have known you guys for an eternity and more." Georgia says from where she is snuggled into Louis.
"I don't want this to end." I find myself saying before I could even think about it.
"Me neither." Harry agrees while the others nod.
"It's just been such a great experience that I feel like I could quite happily do it for the rest of my life." Liam says, Mia's stayed quiet this whole time and when I lean away slightly to look at her, she is sound asleep. I chuckle gently and point it out to the others who all smile at her peaceful slumber.
When we get to Mia's house I find that I can't bring myself to wake her and so I carefully manoeuvre her body out of the car and carry her in. I feel her stir in my arms as I carry her through to the living room.
"Niall?" She asks in a rough, sleep ridden whisper which sounds so sexy coming from her mouth.
"Yeah?" I ask her quietly with her still in my arms, the others having gathered in the kitchen. I look down at her and see that her eyes look bright and awake when I was expecting them to look tired and droopy.

Limitless (Niall Horan Fanfic)
FanfictionMeet Mia, an average teenage girl who has parents that have to travel a lot for their careers, she has spent the last year in California and just when she thinks that she will return to London at the beginning of summer, her parents have other ideas...