Chapter 1

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Izumi-chan: yeah, the updates will be monthly so I have enough chapters to last until my national exams are done. sorry!



Makarov was silent for a moment before saying "Well then, (Y/n), would you like to join Fairy Tail?"

On with Chapter 1:


Somewhere in Magnolia, a team from Fairy Tail has just finished their mission and was now heading back to their beloved guild. This said team consists of a Natsu, Happy, Gray, Erza, Lucy and (Y/n).

"That was a great job." Natsu stated as he was walking at the front of the group with his hands positioned behind his head. "And it looks like the client really appreciated it." Happy stated as he was flying around the group.

"Well, we finished it up real quick since I was there." Gray stated ever so proudly. "Huh? And what makes you say that, jerk?" Natsu retaliated immediately. "Just thinking about how you were nothing but extra baggage for this job." Gray responded before the two mages butt their heads as usual.

"How about I teach you what kind of extra baggage I am?" Natsu said threateningly. "That made no sense at all." Gray stated. Before they could carry on, Erza pushed their heads away from each other. "Settle down. And put on some clothes." She said, causing Gray to panic. (Y/n) and Lucy just looked at each other as they sweatdropped at the scene.

After they've calmed down, Lucy stepped towards the trio with Plue in her hands. "Um, I hate to interrupt you conversation, but.. I was the one who chose this request on my own with (Y/n), originally.." She admitted as she held up a piece of paper in her left hand.

"So why did everyone come with us?" she deadpanned at the statement while (Y/n) just laughed sheepishly. "Well, obviously." Natsu stated. "Obviously,what?" (Y/n) stated from her spot beside Lucy. "'Cause we're Fairy Tail's strongest team!" Natsu stated as he showed a thumbs up.

"Aye!" Happy exclaimed. "That's right. And also, we couldn't let (Y/n) go alone with you because she's still too young." Gray stated as he placed his hand on the short (blonde/brunette/ravenette/etc) mage's head. "I'm not that young! I'm just 2 years younger than you!" (Y/n) exclaimed as she slapped away the hand that was on her head. Lucy just stared at the others before saying. "Well, okay..."

"Put together me, Happy, Erza, (Y/n) and underpants-man, and there's no job we can't do!" Natsu exclaimed. (Y/n) just smiled at Natsu. "Don't call me underpants-man." Gray said. "Yes, it gives me reassurance." Erza said. "Aye!" Happy added. "Forgetting someone?!" Lucy shouted at the group.


"We're kiddin', sheesh! Don't cry, Oopy!" Natsu said as all of us continued walking towards the guild. "I'm not crying, and I'm not named "Oopy"!" Lucy responded with much annoyance.

"I apologize. Even I was carried away. And I have ended up hurting my comrade. I cannot allow this to continue.. For now, would you please punch me?" Erza said out of the blue.

"Um, Erza..what are you talking about?" I asked as I was confused at her words. I then noticed that a lot of people were staring at us as they whispered to each other. I felt nervous under their gaze and decided to look down and hide behind the closest person to me, which was Gray.

"It's Fairy Tail wizards.." "I guess they don't know yet." "The poor things..." I heard them say. "We're drawing an unusual amount of attention." Gray stated. "I've got a bad feeling about this." Happy admitted.

I gasped loudly and stopped in my tracks once I see the guild, causing the others to stop as well and follow my line of sight. "What's this? The guild shouldn't look like that." Erza said, feeling shocked.

I was worried about the others in the guild so I ran towards the building. I heard the other call my name as I got further from them. Soon, I stopped in front of the building. I then heard footsteps behind me that soon stopped.

"That's.." "What happened?" "W-What?" I heard the familiar voices of my team say. "Our...Our guild has been..." Natsu said as she tried to control the anger that was building up in him. "What in the world happened?" Erza said out loud.

"Phantom.." I heard a familiar voice mutter out from behind us. I turned around as see Mirajane standing there with a glum expression. "What did you just say?" Gray asked. Natsu then turned around with an angered expression. "Did you say Phantom?" he asked.

"I hate to say it, but they got us." Mirajane admitted dejectedly.


Follow my instagram for anime shiz! : boredom_is_here

Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed it, apologies for the mistakes and please do point them out. Please vote if you enjoyed it, it encourages me to publish more.

will update when free/not lazy/bored/when I have ideas

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