Chapter 23

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Izumi-chan: I'm so sorry for not updating a few weeks ago! Something happened on the day that I wanted to write another chapter, and it just caused my mood to just drop. So here is the next chapter, that should have been out a few weeks ago, but instead it's in April, I think.. I have no clue when I'll publish this actually..

I'll try to post another chapter soon (maybe, no promises) , and hopefully finish the story soon too because my school is starting in the second week of April T^T gonna be a first year in a new school,, wish me luck and pray I don't die from social awkwardness.



Lucy then suggested to Loke if they wanted to hang out for awhile. "Well, I guess I'll just go back to the room." I said before walking away, now with my guard up.

When I entered the room, I saw everyone sprawled onto the floor with some scratches and bruises on their bodies. 'I'm so glad I didn't join in.' I thought before finding a futon and going to sleep.

On with Chapter 23:


We just arrived back at the guild and I immediately went to the bar to talk to Mirajane. Meanwhile, Lucy took her time to head to the bar, and Natsu and Gray suddenly began fighting as they were covered in bandages, due to the violent pillow fight they had..

"Ne, (N/n)-chan, why do Natsu and Gray have bandages and bruises all over their bodies?" Mirajane asked me. "Ah, well on the day we just finished our mission, we decided to go to a spa afterwards. And there, is where they decided to have a pillow fight, a violent one.." I sweatdropped as I explained.

After explaining what happened, Mirajane then asked what did I want to eat and drink, I just requested the usual.

Soon, Elfman came by and asked what happened to Natsu and Gray, and Mirajane told him what I told her. "How can people get that injured in a pillow fight?" Elfman questioned. 'I was wondering the same thing too..' I thought as I continued consuming my food.

"Lucy! (Y/n)! I'm the one who won, right?!" Natsu and Gray suddenly shouted, causing me to choke on my food. Meanwhile, Lucy just turned towards them with an annoyed expression and said "Shut up." in a monotone voice. Also for some reason, she had a dark aura around her, causing Natsu and Gray to be terrified. "W-We're sorry." they apologized.

'She reminds me of Erza..' I thought as I sweatdropped looking at the scene in front of me. The duo then left us alone with their heads down in shame.

"Lucy, you've been in a bad mood. If you don't mind, do you want to talk about it?" I asked her. "Oh? I'm totally normal." said Lucy as she tried to hide her actual feeling and took a bite of her food. "Are you still angry about me tricking you?" Happy questioned as he walked towards her on the counter.

"No! I'm not that petty." Lucy clarified with Happy. She then sighed, "Sorry.. I just have a lot to think about."

"Well, you can talk to me about it if you want." I suggested with a smile. "You can talk to me too!" Happy exclaimed. "No, but thanks anyway." she replied, causing my smile to drop into a small frown and my eyebrows raised in worry.

Suddenly, a small group of girls came to the bar. One of them said "Hey, is Loke here?" in a rude tone towards Mirajane. "Loke's so cruel!" another one said. "Who are you people?" "That's what I should ask you!" "Where is Loke?"

My expression changed from worried to confusion as I stared at the group of girls. "What's with them?" I muttered under my breath, but loud enough for Lucy and Happy to hear.

"They're women from the town. It seems they all think they're Loke's girlfriend." Happy explained.

I then heard that all the girls explain to Mirajane that Loke tried to break up with all of them the day before and then they started to bombard Mira with questions about Loke, causing Mirajane to panic and exclaim "(Y/n), Lucy, save me!"

For some reason, the group of girls then glared at the both of us as they complimented us with a threatening tone. "Who are they?" "Sure, they're a little cute.." "They have nice body figures.." "So that means..."

Before the last girl could finish her sentence, Lucy got up from her seat and ran, leaving me behind with Happy and the group of angry girls. "Don't put me in such a sticky situation, Mira!" Lucy exclaimed as she continued running away.

I raised an eyebrow at the group of angry girls in front of me. They were still staring dead into me as they waited for an explanation. Calmly, I said "Don't worry, I don't have much of a connection with Loke." before taking a sip of my drink.


Izumi-chan: it didn't reach 1000 like how I wanted it to be :,)

Honestly I think the next update will be next month, despite what I said in the beginning of the chapter, and I think this story will be 50 chapters long oml //cries

Follow my instagram for anime shiz! : mizushima_izumi

Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed it, apologies for the mistakes and please do point them out. Please vote if you enjoyed it, it encourages me to publish more.

※ will update when free/not lazy/bored/when I have ideas ※

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