Chapter 31

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She then explained in detail what had happened when she met Jellal and what they did to save him, from meeting him, doing work, getting punished, everything, even telling us that they had fought back.

"We stood up for our freedom.. to save Jellal.. back then, Jellal was out leader. He had a strong sense of justice. I looked up to him. However, at some point, it was as if Jellal had become another person entirely... if you could call a person truly "evil".. then that is what I would call Jellal.

On with Chapter 31:


Erza soon finished explaining her past and was letting some tears out, as she muttered, "I... will fight Jellal."

"Hold on, Erza! That Zeref guy you mentioned..!" Gray pointed out. "Yea. I'm sure you've heard of him." Erza responded before she wiped her tears away.

"Th-that monster that came out of Lullaby... they called it one of Zeref's demons!" Lucy said. "That's not all. Deliora was most likely a demon from the Book of Zeref as well." I stated. "Are you saying Jellal is trying to revive the same Zeref?" Juvia asked Erza.

Erza turned around slightly to face us and said "I don't understand his motive, but according to Sho, a former friend of mine, they're supposed to become rulers in Heaven once Zeref is revived.."

I raised an eyebrow, "This 'former friend' business just doesn't make any sense to me... wasn't Jellal the traitor, not you?" I said.

"He must've fed them false information once I was gone. But I did leave them here for eight whole years... that still makes me a traitor." Erza pointed out.

"But you did it for their sake! Yet..!" Lucy was cut off by Erza "It doesn't matter now, Lucy." The blonde then looked at the ground in defeat.

"If I defeat Jellal, it will all be over." Erza explained.

'Is that really the case?' I thought as I went back to what Erza had said, about vanishing from the world, something about those words bother me.

"Wh-What's with that story, nee-san?" I heard someone say. All of us looked towards the source of the voice to see a dark skinned man, who is also one of the people that ambushed us not long ago.

"Sho.."  I heard Erza whisper under her breath. 'So that's his name..' I thought.

"Are you trying to get your friends' sympathy with that nonsense?! It's a load of crap! The truth was nothing like that!" Sho said as his voice got louder and louder.

"You blew up our boats and escaped on your own! We all would've ended up on the bottom of the sea had Jellal not caught wind of your betrayal. Jellal said this is the fate of those who don't learn to use magic in the proper way! He said you got drunk with the power of magic and that now you're trying to cast off everything in your past, us included!" Sho admitted.

"Jellal said that?" Gray asked.

"Would the Erza you know really have done something like that?" Lucy asked as well.

"W-What would you know?! You don't know anything about us! Jellal's words were my only salvation! That's why I spent eight long years finishing this tower! For Jellal's sake..." Sho paused as tears started to form in his eyes. "You're saying... it was all a lie..? That you're right.. and that Jellal is wrong..?!"

"You're right." a voice said. I turned to see a black mist came out of nowhere, only to form into another person who also ambushed us.

Gray was about to engage the guy in a fight but was stopped by Juvia, "Please wait, my dear Gray." she said. "This gentleman knew he was attacking your double back then. As a dark spell-caster, he surely saw everything clearly. Ascertaining the truth was another reason Juvia came here." Juvia assured Gray as she placed her hand on his back.

"I'd expect no less from a member of Phantom's renowned Element 4." he said.

"What does this mean?" Sho questioned the man. "Sho... I did it to bring everyone to this tower without rousing your suspiciouns." he said as we all turned to look at Sho's reaction.

"Wh-Why? Why would you..?" Sho muttered as he looked down as he was about to cry. 

The man walked towards Sho and placed his hand on Sho's shoulder, "Sho..." he said, "Jellal has everyone fooled. I decided to play along until the time was right."

"Simon!.. you were..!" Erza exclaimed in disbelief.

The man, now known as Simon, turned towards Erza, "I always believed in you, Erza. For eight years straight..." he said as he held Erza's hand, "I'm happy to see you again, Erza. From the bottom of my heart." he said before pulling her into a hug.

The 4 of us were happy that the two got reunited.

"How.." Sho muttered, "How can everyone have so much faith in you? Why.. Why could I believe in you, nee-san?" he started to cry before dropping onto his knees and punched the ground. "Damn it!" he screamed "What's real?! What should I believe in?!"

Erza then walked towards Sho's form and crouched infront of him. "I realized it's difficult to accept everything all at once. But I will say this... over the past eight years, I never once forgot about any of you." she said as she brought Sho into a hug. "I'm sorry I was so helpless. I'm sorry I was so weak..."

"But now you can do something. Isn't that right?" Simon pointed out before turning towards the rest of us. "I've been waiting for this moment. For mighty wizards to gather here.." 

I raised an eyebrow again, "Mighty wizards?" I asked.

Simon then looked straight into my eye, "We're going to fight Jellal... all working together."

"First, we must prevent Salamander and the others from clashing."

My eyes widened as I remembered that Natsu ran off somewhere before this.

'Dammit, Natsu!'


Izumi-san: here i am, about to give up on writing stories because of school, just remembered that i had about 6 stories waiting to be written!!! and i have a oneshot book that i completely ran out of ideas for!! fml sdfuihfdsihjdsfuihdsfhfdskj

[P.S] sorry this seemed more of a filler!

Follow my instagram for anime shiz! : mizushima_izumi

Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed it, apologies for the mistakes and please do point them out. Please vote if you enjoyed it, it encourages me to publish more.

※ will update when free/not lazy/bored/when I have ideas ※

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