Chapter 17

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Izumi-chan: sorry for updating this story very very late,, I had planned to complete my other story before updating and completing this story,, so here's an update.



"Lift your head high! You are a member of Fairy Tail!" Master added as Lucy cried out loudly and fell onto her knees. Levy and I walked up to her to comfort her. I hugged her as she cried into my shoulder while Levy knelt beside her and rubbed her back.

On with Chapter 17:


A week has happened since the battle with Phantom Lord and we've been rebuilding the guild for a few days now. What happened after the fight though, we were rounded up by the Council's army, the Rune Knights. Natsu and Happy tried to run away from them, but that didn't work so well..

Meanwhile Master was crying very loudly..

They dragged us to the army post to be interviewed about what had happened. Every day they'd question us, it finally calmed down after a week. It seems like Fairy Tail's punishment will be handed down from the Council at a later date.

"Ne, (Y/n)!" called out Natsu. I turned to look at him from my work. "Look how strong I am!" he exclaimed as he lifted pillars of wood above his head, before falling with the blocks on top of him.

I sweatdropped. "That's 'cause you tried to carry so many at once, idiot." Gray said as he walked pass Natsu with a pillar on his shoulder. "What'd you call me?" Natsu shouted as he caused the wooden pillars to fly in every direction. And this caused a fight between the both of them.

"You, over there!" Erza shouted as she dropped a pillar on top of Gray and Natsu's head, causing them to sink into the ground. I screamed in shock. "Less talking, more working!" she said. "We're going to rebuild Fairy Tail ASAP!"

'...Seems normal..' I thought before turning back to my own work.


Gray, Natsu, Happy and I decided to take a break. Gray sat on stone blocks, I sat on top of a barrel beside him, and Natsu and Happy decided to stand in front of us. "Ahh! I'm starving!" Natsu said as he stretched his arms above his head. "Aye!" said Happy.

"Time to eat?" Gray asked as I was opening up my bento that I prepared earlier. Suddenly, a gush of water appeared and hit Happy and curved to his Natsu, but not me or Gray.

"Why did you do that, (Y/n)?!" Natsu and Happy exclaimed as I looked as surprised as he was. "Wha- it wasn't me!" I shouted back. "It's a bento!" Happy exclaimed as he saw the pink bento on Gray's lap.

"Bento?" Gray looked down on his lap before slowly opening the lunch box. I deadpanned as I saw the food. It was designed to make Gray's face with the word "LOVE" beside it on the top container. Also, the other containers underneath it seems to have living creatures in it...

While Gray was getting creeped out, Natsu commented "Woah! That looks good!" "I know! This is called a character lunch!" Happy pointed out. "Can I actually eat something this insane? It's dripping something..." Gray said as I saw unknown green liquid dripping from the bottom of the bento.

"Then give it to me!" Natsu said before taking a tentacle that was sticking out from on of the containers.

I was enjoying my food before Erza came out of nowhere and said "Who said you could eat?" , I almost spilled my food too from getting shocked. "Is that one of those character lunches?" she said as she noticed the bento in Gray's hands.

She then walked to me to take my fork before stabbing it into the food, specifically at Gray's 'face'. "This isn't bad. Give me some more." Erza said after taking a bite. "Really? I'll eat it too."

"(Y/n), Natsu, Gray, Erza.." someone called out. "Would you give these to Lucy? They're her keys." Loke asked as he referred to the keys in his hands. I got my fork back before proceeding to eat my food.

Loke then walked towards us. "It's you. I was wondering where you'd gone off to." Gray admitted. "You've been searching for these the whole time?" Natsu asked. I noticed that Loke had eye bags and dark circles under his eyes, so I decided to ask, "Are you okay? You don't look good at all."

"Thanks. I'm fine." he replied. He mumbled something under his breath, but I didn't manage to hear it. "Lucy isn't here. Her injuries hurt so bad she can't move, maybe.." Happy said. "Maybe we should go check on her. You come too, Loke." Natsu suggested.

"I'll pass. You know I can't handle Celestial Wizards." Loke said before turning and walking away from us. I looked at his retreating figure with a worried look before continuing to eat my food.


Follow my instagram for anime shiz! : mizushima_izumi

Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed it, apologies for the mistakes and please do point them out. Please vote if you enjoyed it, it encourages me to publish more.

※ will update when free/not lazy/bored/when I have ideas ※

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