Chapter 26

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Izumi-chan: I have no clue what games they are playing neither do i know what games are there in a please bear with me.

also the keyboard im using is slightly spoiled, so please point out if i ever made a mistake in this chapter!



"Oh, yes! They have a place like that, don't they? In that case..." Erza said before requipping into a purple sleeveless dress with white gloves that reach up to her elbows. "Do I look the part?" Erza asked as she posed.

I blushed as I saw how sexy and perfect Erza looked in her outfit. 'Meanwhile there's me..' I deadpanned.

"Let's go, Erza!" Lucy said before the 3 of us headed downstairs.

On with Chapter 26:


'What is this place?' I thought as I looked around the place and see people of all ages playing the different games available. There were people playing poker, riding a mechanical horse and there was even a rollercoaster?? 

As I continued observing the area, I saw Natsu playing a gambling machine, or whatever it is... It's not the typical machine you see in casinos, but it was more of a giant gumball machine with balls that has numbers on the inside bouncing around.

I moved closer towards Natsu, who I just noticed is wearing his usual outfit with Happy by his side. "17! Come on, 17!" I heard Natsu chant as he pressed (more like slammed) the button with the number "17" on it. "You can do it,17!" Happy chanted too.

I looked up at the machine and saw that 5 numbers would get picked randomly. If 3 of the same numbers are in a row, then you win.《I don't know how to explain it, but the numbers are positioned like the 5 dots on a die》

In Natsu's case there were "17"s on the top left and bottom right corner. The number was 17, for a split second before it changed to 16. Hence, Natsu lost and got mad at the machine. "You've got to be kiddin' me!" He exclaimed, along with Happy, as he slammed his fists on the machine but not enough to break it. Then a staff came by to try and stop Natsu.

I sweatdropped at the scene before deciding to move to another section of the place. I turn around and see Gray playing what seemed to be like poker. I walked towards him and noticed that he was wearing a red button up shirt and a dark blue tie.

I was about to called out to him until I saw a familiar blue haired female, causing me to immediately stop in my tracks. 'What is nee-san doing here?!' I thought as I saw her nervously talking to Gray.

"I think I'll just go and find either Lucy or Erza then.." I muttered to myself before walking around, again. Fortunately, I found the both of them together playing Poker as well. "Lucy, Erza!" I exclaimed as I ran towards them.

"Ah, (Y/n)! Where have you been?" Lucy asked as she played a card 《I have no clue how Poker works I'm sorry》 "I was looking around the place, sorry for just leaving you guys.." I apologized. "It's fine, as long as you're safe." Erza said as she played a card as well. 

Suddenly, there was an explosion nearby. The three of us turned our heads towards the noise, but we couldn't see what caused it. "What's all the noise?" Erza asked to no one in particular. "I guess the parade has started outside." A guy wearing a fish costume said.

We then went back to the game. Erza then placed down her hand and showed the cards that she had. "A straight! Awesome, Erza!" Lucy and I said as Erza responded with "I'm really on a roll today." in a proud tone.

For some reason, there was a crowd behind us and they were in awe at Erza's skills. Then, the dealer was changed to be a dark skinned male with blond hair.

"I have a feeling that I won't lose no matter who I'm up against." Erza admitted. "Then... why don't we play a special game?" the dealer suggested as he was shuffling the cards before placing 5 cards down in front of Erza.

I let out a small gasp and my eyes widened when I read out that the 5 cards were spelling out "Death". "Let's play a game where your life's on the line, Erza-nee-san.." 

I looked up at the dealer when he said that and put my guard up. "You're..Sho? Sho, right?" Erza questioned. "It's been quite a while, nee-san." the dealer, now known Sho, said.

"Nee-san?" I mumbled. "You were...Safe?" Erza asked hesitantly. "Safe?" Sho responded back as if asking what Erza meant by 'Safe'.

Suddenly, it went dark and not long after, a gunshot was heard. "A gunshot?" "What happened?" I heard Lucy and Erza say. I tried to make my way towards the two but I got pulled back by something thin wrapping around me. It wrapped around my body, causing me to be immobile and lay on the floor.

Then, the lights went back on. I was brought to another part of the room, causing Erza and Lucy to call out my name. I was about to respond back but a hand covered my mouth.

"Aw, you're cute but you're not a kitty..what a shame." I heard my captor say. "Just be silent and enjoy the show. It's almost your time to shine." 

I looked towards the other three people in the room and saw that Sho had captured the other guests and placed them in his deck of cards.

Not long after, my captor stepped in front of me and did the same to Lucy, tied up Lucy with, whatever it is, but in a more uncomfortable way. "Feelin' chip an' dipper?" I heard my captor say. "Milliana.. You can use magic too?" Erza questioned.

"How's it been, Er-chan!" said Milliana. "Let Lucy go! She's my friend! Where's (Y/n) too?!" Erza demanded. I wanted to shout out to them, but the binds got tighter and instead I was groaning in pain. 

"Friends?" "We were your friends too once... Isn't that right, nee-san?" said Milliana and Sho. Another guy who looked like a blockhead came and put his arm around Sho. I managed to grasp that his name was Wally.

As I was still struggling, I felt myself get lifted up and disappear into a dark mist before exiting out of it. I realized that I got moved to another part of the room, this time behind Erza.

"Once you get the hang of it, anyone can use magic. Isn't that rightt, Erza?" my second captor say as Erza quickly turned around. "Simon..." she said before realizing I was slung on his shoulder. "(Y/n)!" she exclaimed before I got dropped onto the floor along with Lucy. I grunted when my body hit the floor.

"Erza, who are these people? And why are they calling you their sister?" Lucy questioned as she too struggled with the binds.

"I'm not actually their sister. We were all together in the past."


Izumi-chan: doing weekly updates are hard .-.

does anyone play Summoners War?

Follow my instagram for anime shiz! : mizushima_izumi

Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed it, apologies for the mistakes and please do point them out. Please vote if you enjoyed it, it encourages me to publish more.

※ will update when free/not lazy/bored/when I have ideas ※

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