Chapter 30

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Izumi-san: I am so sorry if (Y/n) is ooc because i don't remember how i made her to be.....



"Where's that blockhead?" Natsu asked one of the guards as the guards was lifted by his collar.

Before we were answered, a stone wall from a statue above us was opened and a platform was slid down from it.

"This is?" Natsu questioned. "They're inviting us in?" Gray assumed.

Then, we made our way further into the building.

On with Chapter 30:


We walked far enough until we entered a dining hall and saw a long dinner table that held a lot of food that could be enough for a buffet. "Blocky!" Natsu exclaimed as he was stuffing his face with food.

"Keep it down!" Lucy scolded. "No point in sneaking around now after all the ruckus we caused below." Gray pointed out as he was eating.

Meanwhile, I was enjoying my food quietly beside Juvia-nee. I was hungry so, I couldn't help it, food is food.

"What are you eating?!" Lucy scolded all of us. "This appears to be a dining hall. You should eat too, Princess." Virgo explained. "That door earlier was operated remotely with magic. It appears they're completely aware of our presence." Virgo added.

"Are they tryin' to provoke us?" Gray suggested.

"Incidentally, Princess. I believe it's inappropriate to dress that way in the dining area." Virgo pointed out before forcing Lucy to change clothes, right in front of the others.

I heard Juvia-nee say "Don't look, Gray-sama!" or something similar and I looked up when Virgo was describing the origin of the outfit. "This attire is from the celestial world." the celestial spirit said.

"Oh, that looks cute on you, Lucy." I said before getting up from the table. "Thank you, (Y/n)."

Not long after, Virgo had to go back to the celestial world.

"Honestly, I don't know how you guys can stand wearing wet clothes." Lucy pointed out. Juvia and I didn't have a problem with it because we are water mages. Meanwhile, Gray was drying his clothes(pants) by using Natsu's flames.

Suddenly, guards entered the dining hall with their weapons ready. Before, they manage to even lay a finger on us, Erza attacked all of them from behind. We were all glad to see her still strong and well, but the same didn't happen to her.

"Wh-Why are you here?!" she said. "What do you mean 'why'..?" I asked her back since I thought the answer was obvious. "Leave!" she shouted at us. "You don't belong in this place!"

"Don't give us that crap, Erza!" Natsu said. "Running away after being ridiculed will only tarnish Fairy Tail's name! That blockhead has to pay!"

"I'm telling you to leave." Erza tried to persuade us again. "They took Happy! We can't just leave now!" Natsu shouted back.

"They have Happy? Don't tell me it was Millianna.." "Where is this person?!" Natsu cut her off. "I-I'm not sure.." Erza answered. 

"All right! I got it!" Natsu suddenly exclaimed. "Got what?" I asked with an eyebrow raised. "The fact that Happy's waiting for me!" Natsu said before running off. "H-Hey! Natsu.." Erza tried callling out.

We were planning to run after Natsu, but Erza stopped us from doing so. "No!" Erza shouted. "Millianna is an incomparable cat lover. I can't imagine her harming Happy. I'll take responsibility for bringing them back. The rest of you need to get away from here at once." 

"No! We can't leave without you!" Lucy exclaimed. "This is my problem! I don't wish to drag you into it." Erza said.

"I'd say it's a bit too late for that. You saw Natsu just now." I pointed out.

"Erza.. What is this tower? Who's Jellal?!" Lucy asked "If you don't want to tell us, that's fine. They said they were your old friends, right? But we're your friends now . We'll always have your back, no matter what!"

"Leave.." Erza tried again. 

"This ain't like you, Erza. Just tell us to shut up and come along with you, like you always do. We'll lend you our strength! There's nothing wrong with feeling afraid once in a while! Even for you!" I told Erza.

Erza then turned around and all of us were shocked, seeing tears were running down her face.

"I'm sorry," Erza said as she was wiping the tears away "I'm going to vanish from this world, whether I win or lose this battle.."

I looked at Erza confusingly. 'Vanish'? What does she mean by 'vanish'?!

"This is a future I can't fight.. as such.. as such, I will tell you everything while I still exist.." Erza said with a sad smile.

All of us were silent as we were waiting for Erza to continue.

"This is the Tower of Heaven, also known as the R-System. It happened over ten years ago... a black magic cult began constructing it in order to cast a forbidden spell that can bring the dead back to life. It required many human sacrifices who they also used as slave labour to amplify the amount of magic energy. I was one of the sacrifices here when I was little." Erza explained.

The four of us were shocked hearing that Erza had to experience something like that.

"One by one, people who tried to escape or resist disappeared. I never felt at ease. I was always afraid. Even so, I made friends I could trust.. even if it was for a brief time. It was around then that I met Jellal.

She then explained in detail what had happened when she met Jellal and what they did to save him, from meeting him, doing work, getting punished, everything, even telling us that they had fought back.

"We stood up for our freedom.. to save Jellal.. back then, Jellal was out leader. He had a strong sense of justice. I looked up to him. However, at some point, it was as if Jellal had become another person entirely... if you could call a person truly "evil".. then that is what I would call Jellal.


Izumi-san: hi guys, im back, probably not for long tbh but i'll do my best to make at least one more chapter before school starts. i actually lost the mood to write and even watch anime, sadly, because of the stress from school. i didn't discontinue the story because i would feel guilty and i want to complete something i started. hopefully i'll continue writing after this one though..

Follow my instagram for anime shiz! : mizushima_izumi

Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed it, apologies for the mistakes and please do point them out. Please vote if you enjoyed it, it encourages me to publish more.

※ will update when free/not lazy/bored/when I have ideas ※

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