Chapter 19

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Izumi-chan: this story is more difficult to write than I thought..



Not long after, we walked back to the station. "I'm really sorry I worried you all." Lucy apologised. "Don't worry, it's our fault for jumping to conclusions." I stated. "I guess we were worried for nothing." Gray said. "Happy was crying the whole time." Natsu pointed out. "You were sobbing too, Natsu!" "N-No I wasn't!" bickered Natsu and Happy.

I couldn't resist but to hold Lucy's hand. "I'm just glad that you're staying." I said as I swung our arms slightly. While I was being cheerful, the rest were amazed with Lucy's home.

On with Chapter 19:


"Everyone! You can all take jobs again starting today! It's just a temporary counter, but do all the jobs you can!" Mirajane announced from behind the counter, as some of the Fairy Tail members cheered.

'Aren't they the ones that just laze around the guild?' I questioned myself as I walked around the 'guild' with Erza. She's been with me since I first entered the guild, so I trust her a lot. Apparently she was currently talking to Laxus,who was sitting on one of the picnic tables, but I wasn't paying much attention to it, until now.

Erza threw a nearby barrel towards Laxus who just dodged it by leaning to the side. "Try saying that again!" Erza dared Laxus with an annoyed look. "This time I'll tell you straight out. We don't need weaklings in this guild!" Laxus said bluntly as he looked at me too. From that, my blood began to boil.

"You guys are pitiful. Getting humiliated by Phantom like that... And wait, I don't even know your names." Laxus insulted as he looked at Jet and Droy. He then turned behind to look at Lucy who was at the counter with Mirajane. "And you there, the main culprit, the debutant Celestial Spirit user... It was your fault." he said.

"Laxus! It's all over now. No one has been talking about who to blame for it." I said when I couldn't stand it anymore. What a rare sight, I was usually patient and silent. "You have no right to say anything when you didn't even help us fight!"

Laxus then stood up and walked towards me, towering over me. Erza readied her weapon. "Well, yeah! It had nothing to do with me! Although if I had been there, you wouldn't have had all that trouble." Laxus said.

Erza and I almost charged at Laxus, but Natsu was faster as he charged towards Laxus. "Natsu!" I tried to stop him. Laxus dodged Natsu's punch by using Lightning Body and moved behind Natsu.

Natsu recovered from what happened and quickly turned back to look at the lightning dragon slayer. "Laxus! Fight me! You heartless bastard!" he shouted. Erza and I moved to his side. "What kind of fight would it be when you can't even catch me?" Laxus taunted. "When I inherit the guild, I'll get rid of all the weaklings. As well as anyone who stand against me!" Laxus said as had an evil glare on his face.

"I'll make the ultimate guild! The strongest guild in history that no one can look down upon!" Laxus announced before walking away from us and used Lighning Body once again to 'teleport' out of the guild. I clenched my fists and furrowed my eyebrows as I looked towards where Laxus was just was. 'Arrogant bastard..' I thought.

"That jerk." Natsu said as he was clenching his fist hard. I sigh. "Enough. You'll just tire yourself out dealing with him." I said after slightly calming down. "Anyway, what do you think? Want to go do a job?" Erza asked, trying to distract Natsu and myself from Laxus. Natsu stopped clenching his fist and looked at her questioningly.

"Together with (Y/n), Gray and Lucy, of course." for some reason, Gray and Lucy looked at Erza with shock. "I have a sense that we've been together ever since the Eisenwald incident." Erza explained. 'She only realized it now?' I thought.

"Let's form a team now. With the five of us. Or six, if you count Happy." I had no objections since I work well with Erza, and Gray too with his ice powers. Lucy looked excited before asking "But do you really want someone like me?"

"Not someone like you.. Someone that is you, Lucy!" Natsu encouraged. "Without you, things just wouldn't fit right, you know?" Lucy blushed at Natsu's words before laughing sheepishly.

"Let's hurry and do a job. We'll take down the Magic Sect operating in the shadows of the castle town of Lupinus! Let's go!" Erza said as the remaining five of us cheered.


Izumi-chan: damn im getting lazy

Follow my instagram for anime shiz! : mizushima_izumi

Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed it, apologies for the mistakes and please do point them out. Please vote if you enjoyed it, it encourages me to publish more.

※ will update when free/not lazy/bored/when I have ideas ※

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