Chapter 16

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Izumi-chan: can anyone give me like a summary about (Y/n), like whats her personality or if she's an S-class or something cause i remember nothing from this story since i wrote it at about this time last year.. so hopefully you guys remember it more than me, cause im just too lazy to read the whole story again lmAO



I wiped my tears as I looked back at the figure on top of the pile. "Master!" Erza and I called out with relief. Jose and Master stared at each other until Jose brought his fist in front of him as his eyes were closed. As he opened his eyes, it was only a black iris with a yellow pupil as the pieces of rocks on the floor were floating upwards and the ground shook.

"You wish for a catastrophe then?" Jose asked as his voice turned menacing. Makarov clenched his fist and an orb appeared on his index and middle finger. "If it's for my guild's sake, then yes..!" Makarov replied as the ground began to shook harder.

On with Chapter 16:


I heard shuffling and saw Gray waking up. I ran towards Gray, Elfman and Mirajane to heal them, Erza joining the fight. "What is this magic?! It's warm and somehow feels familiar.." I heard Gray say as I went closer to him. "Gray!" I called out.

I was about to heal him until Master said "Everyone get away from here!" Gray and Elfman then stood up. "Master!" Gray called out. "What are you doing here?!" Elfman asks. Erza turns and looks at us as she says "Do as he says!" as she ran towards us.

Mirajane had finally awoken and stood up with Elfman beside her. "Let's go!" Erza said. "B-But..!" Gray was about to retaliate until he saw me still standing at the same spot. "(Y/n)!" he shouts. I want to join in on the fight. I want to help Master. I don't want to see him hurt again.

I was about to take a step towards him until I felt arms placed behind my neck and my knees and soon was carried bridal style. I looked up to see it was Elfman and beside him was Mirajane, who was looking at me with a small smile.

"We'll only hinder our master if we stay here! Let's leave everything to him!" Erza said before all of us exit the giant.


All of us were resting beside the remnants of our guild until we notice that Master had beaten Jose. "We won! We beat Phantom!" everyone exclaimed. I smiled as I was standing beside Erza.

We then saw Master standing on one of the higher platforms of the giant. "This victory was not by my hand alone!" Master shouted as all of us gathered in one spot. "This victory belongs to our entire family.." he added and we all cheered.

An hour later or so, Master was on the ground and walked up to our 'guild' as the sun was starting to set. "They really went to town on it this time..." he said as he looked at all the debris and the planks of wood. "U-Umm, Master.." Lucy called out as everyone looked at Lucy.

"Hmm? You've certainly been through a lot of yourself..." Master stated. Then, we heard a familiar voice. "Don't look so glum, Lu-chan!" they said. Lucy was surprised as she looked towards the source of the voice.

"We're back!" Levy said as she stood between Jet and Droy and in front of Reedus. "We all worked together for this great victory!" she said. "Even if the guild did get ruined!" Droy said. "But it's not like we can't rebuild it." Jet suggested. "Oui." Reedus quietly agreed.

"You guys.." Lucy said. "Sorry for worrying you, Lu-chan." Levy apologised. Lucy was quick to respond though. "N-No! It was all my..!" "I heard everything." Levy said. "But no one blames you for this, Lu-chan!" she added. "In fact, I should apologize for being useless..." Reedus said as he scratched his head.

"Lucy." Master called out. "Although it doesn't hold true for every bit of happiness or sadness, we still share things to some extent. That's what it means to be a guild. One person's happiness is everyone's happiness... One person's anger is everyone's anger... And one person's tears are everyone's tears. There is no need to feel guilt ridden. Lucy. Our hearts have surely reached you." As master said this, Lucy cried into her hands.

"Lift your head high! You are a member of Fairy Tail!" Master added as Lucy cried out loudly and fell onto her knees. Levy and I walked up to her to comfort her. I hugged her as she cried into my shoulder while Levy knelt beside her and rubbed her back.


Izumi-chan: MY EXAMS ARE GOING TO FINALLY END YESSSSS THATS WHY I UPDATED VERY EARLY but please do help me in making a summary for (Y/n) though.. THANKSS

Follow my instagram for anime shiz! : mizushima_izumi

Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed it, apologies for the mistakes and please do point them out. Please vote if you enjoyed it, it encourages me to publish more.

※ will update when free/not lazy/bored/when I have ideas ※

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