Chapter 10

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Gray then managed to pulled us up and we managed to get back to where we were. Juvia and I lay on the ground while Gray sat beside us. "Why did you save Juvia?" Juvia asked. "Beats me. Anyway, get some sleep." Gray said. That was the last thing I heard before falling into deep sleep.

On with Chapter 10:


Gray stayed beside (Y/n) and Juvia, who were lying on the floor, already unconscious. Not long after, Mirajane and Elfman arrived at Gray's location. "Gray!" They shouted as they ran towards him.

"Elfman! Oh, Mira-chan too?" Gray responded. When the two siblings arrived, they noticed the two bodies on the floor. "(Y/n)! Is she alright?" MIrajane asked as she knelt beside your body and hugging it close, giving you warmth as you rest.

Gray nodded at MIrajane to answer her question. "So she's the third Element 4, huh?!" Elfman asked. "Why does she look so happy..?" he added after seeing the heart eyes and wide smile on Juvia's face with her two hands clasped together.

"Dunno. Maybe she's having a nice dream or something?" Gray guessed "Only one left!" Mirajane suddenly exclaimed. Gray responded with a "Huh?" and a puzzled face. "We can stop the Abyss Break if we defeat the last person." Mirajane explained.

"Turns out this spell and the giant are powered by the members of the Element 4." Elfman added. "There's still time! We can make it!" Mirajane said. The other two mages then nodded.

Then, some sort of church bell 《i think..》 rang. The three mages looked towards Jupiter which was still drawing the magic circle. "Oh, you're right!" Elfman exclaimed. "It's drawing the magic circle much slower now." Gray added. "Exactly." Mirajane stated.

"Fire, water, wind, and earth..." "So the magic giant is powered by magic of the four elements..." "And the source of that power is the Element 4." said Gray, Elfman and Mirajane respectively. "Totomaru of the Great Flame was in the Jupiter. Elfman defeated Sol of the Great Earth. And Gray and (Y/n) defeated Juvia of the Great Sea." Mirajane stated.

"That leaves just one to go." Elfman pointed out. "The giant will stop if we defeat the fourth one." Mirajane said. "Meaning we can stop the Abyss Break." Gray said. "The last one is Aria of the Great Sky... The most powerful wizard in the Element 4..."

"And the terrifying man who robbed our master of his magic." Mirajane said.


Erza was now fighting Aria who had already taken the bandage off his face while Natsu and Happy were watching from afar, unable to defeat their opponent and handed it over to Erza.

While Aria shot a beam of wind 《i think..》, Erza still managed to slice through it with her sword as she ran towards Aria. "Impossible! You've cut through my airspace?!" Aria exclaimed. "Wait--!"

Aria was not able to complete his sentence because Erza jumped high and requipped into Heaven's Wheel. She then shot multiple swords down like rain and slashed at Aria. "Blumenblatt!" she exclaimed.

"She beat him with one hit!" Happy exclaimed. "Erza really is  dangerous!" Natsu cried out. "Our master will never be done in by the likes of you. Strike him from your list of triumphs this instant." Erza said threateningly.


Thanks to Erza, the giant deactivated not long after the last of the Element 4 was defeated. However, since it was deactivated, the giant started to fall. "--What the..?!" Elfman said. "--Did Natsu get 'im?!" Gray questioned. "It stopped! The Abyss Break went out!" Mirajane stated as she carried (Y/n). In case they were attacked or something like that, Gray and Elfman could protect the two.

"Are you serious?" Elfman asked with disbelief. "Which means..." Gray said. "The four elements powering it have been taken out..." Mirajane completed the sentence.

Not long after, a familiar voice was heard. "Members of Fairy Tail! Listen closely to this!" suddenly, we heard a scream of pain through the speakers. "--That voice!" "Lucy?!" "Oh, no..!"the three said.

"We have captured Lucy. That's right. Our first goal has been achieved. That leaves us with our one other goal... Destroying all of you pathetic brats!"


Izumi-chan: Yeah..this is like a filler or something i don't know..

Follow my instagram for anime shiz! : mizushima_izumi

Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed it, apologies for the mistakes and please do point them out. Please vote if you enjoyed it, it encourages me to publish more.

※ will update when free/not lazy/bored/when I have ideas ※

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