Chapter 2

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"Phantom.." I heard a familiar voice mutter out from behind us. I turned around as see Mirajane standing there with a glum expression. "What did you just say?" Gray asked. Natsu then turned around with an angered expression. "Did you say Phantom?" he asked.

"I hate to say it, but they got us." Mirajane admitted dejectedly.

On with Chapter 2:


Mirajane then lead us to Fairy Tail's first basement floor, the only place in the guild that wasn't destroyed. It's normally used for storage, but it's been turned into a temporary beer hall.

"We've always been on bad terms with Phantom." "Maybe we should go crush them." I heard Jet and Droy said. "I said to stop that." Levy said to her two other teammates. "We're up against Phantom.. That Phantom..." She added.

"Yo! Welcome back!" Master Makarov say with a mug of beer in his hand as he sat on a crate..his face was red too.. "We have returned." Erza said. "Gramps, what're you sittin' around here for?" Natsu complained, only to get ignored.

"How was it, Lucy and (Y/n)? The job go well?" Makarov asked. "Yeah, it did." I answered softly and slightly emotionless. "Master, don't you understand the situation we're in?" Erza stated. "The guild's been busted up!" Natsu added.

"Now, now.. Calm down. It's not something to get so riled up about." Master said before drinking his beer. Mirajane just stood at the side with worry written all over her face. "What?" I said with slight annoyance.

"Phantom? That's all those half-wits got in 'em?" Master said, mostly to himself. "Attacking the guild when nobody was here? Who'd take pleasure in that?" He added after placing his mug down. "Nobody was here?" I questioned after hearing Master's words.

"It seems the attack happened in the middle of the night." Mirajane added. "So that's why no one is injured. I suppose it's one small thing to be thankful for." Erza said. "If they can only manage a sneak-attack, we shouldn't even give those bastards the time of day. They aren't worth our time!" Master admitted.

Natsu however, won't accept Master's words and punched the wooden wall, destroying a part of it. "This ain't right , man! I won't be satisfied until we go and crush these guys!" Natsu shouted.

"This discussion is over. Until the upstairs is repaired, we'll take work requests from here." Master stated, still calm as ever. "This isn't the time for doing jobs!" Natsu retaliated with anger. "Natsu! I've had enough of you!" Master responded as his right arm stretched and was lifted up.

I was expecting him to slap Natsu, until I felt a strong force on my face, causing me to fall to the ground. "Why did you slap me instead, old man?!" I exclaimed as I had animated tears coming out from my eyes.

"Master, I'll get angry!" Mirajane said as she walked up to me and pulled me up. "There there (Y/n), I'm here you protect you." Mirajane said as she pulled me into a hug and patted my head comfortingly. "Thank you, Mira." I thanked as I hugged her back.

Meanwhile, Master just ran off to the toilet. Natsu then calmed down and asked himself. "Why're you okay with this, Gramps?" Mira then let go of me as she walked towards Natsu. "Natsu, this is just as hard for the master, you know. But outright conflict between guilds is forbidden by the Council." Mira stated.

"Well, they're the ones that attacked first!" Natsu exclaimed. "That's not the problem." Mira said. "If that's how the master feels... There is nothing we can do." Erza said.


Natsu, Happy, Gray, Erza and I were sitting in Lucy's room, enjoying the food that I made. I then heard the door opened as Lucy said "Because Fairy Tail is.." but was cut short as we said "Nice room you have here." "Whassap?" "Yo!" "Welcome home!" "Welcome home, Lucy!"

"...the best?!" she completed her sentence after knowing that we're in her home. "There's a lot of y'all!" She exclaimed as she threw her luggage on Natsu, who was sitting on the floor.

"The incident with Phantom means that they've come to this town." Erza said. "It's possible they've looked up where everyone lives." Gray added, "So it'll be safer if we stay in groups. That's what Mira said." I added before having a bite of the food.

"I see." Lucy said. "Everyone is having sleepovers here and there today!" Happy informed us. "You are a girl of a certain age, and even I would be a bit uncomfortable staying with just Natsu and Gray."

"That's why I have decided to keep you all company with little (Y/n)!" Erza added as she pulled me into her armored chest, creating a small bump on my head.. "We're not here to relax!" Natsu shouted as he was still annoyed at what had happened in the guild.

"So Natsu and Gray staying with me was already decided?" Lucy asked. "And why at my house?" she added. I was about to answer until she noticed Plue eating a lollipop and Happy looking through her laundry.

I sighed and continued eating my food. "Anyway.. You all smell like sweat. We're sleeping in the same room, so at least take a bath." Erza suggested. "Don't wanna! What a pain..." "But I'm sleeepy.." Natsu and Gray whined like chlidren.

"I suppose I must. Shall we take a bath together like we used to long ago?" Erza suggested as I deadpanned at the memory. "What kind of relationship do you guys have?!" Lucy asked as she was blushing hard.

"I don't think you want to know, Lucy.." I answered.


Izumi-chan: I unintentionally made this chapter long..

Hopefully all of you are enjoying this story despite the slow updates! :)

Follow my instagram for anime shiz! : mizushima_izumi

Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed it, apologies for the mistakes and please do point them out. Please vote if you enjoyed it, it encourages me to publish more.

will update when free/not lazy/bored/when I have ideas

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