Chapter 20

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Izumi-chan: im trying to make my chapters longer so that this story doesn't go over like 50 chapters.. I didn't know I'd bring the story further than the Phantom Lord Arc....



"Let's hurry and do a job. We'll take down the Magic Sect operating in the shadows of the castle town of Lupinus! Let's go!" Erza said as the remaining five of us cheered.

On with Chapter 20:


It was the next day since we finished the job at Lupinus. I was lying in my bed, since the mission was very tiring, despite it already being afternoon. It went well, I think. We accidentally destroyed half of the city..

I stared at my ceiling as I thought about what had happened. Natsu spewed fire everywhere.. Gray froze everything, even my water at one moment.. And Erza.. god, I don't even want to remember what she did.

In the end, most of our reward was used to pay the reparations   . Honestly, I didn't mind getting a small reward, because at least it's still something. But, Lucy was the most devastated.

As I continued to stay in my bed for a little longer, someone knocked on my door. I, reluctantly, got out of my bed and opened my door to see Lucy, Erza, Natsu, Happy and Gray.

"Yo, (Y/n)! We're going on another job!" Natsu said excitedly. I gave them a blank look. How are they still energetic. I just want to sleep all day. I sighed. "Fine. You guys should come in, I'm going to take a quick shower." I said before heading towards my bedroom to grab some clothes and then heading towards the bathroom.


We were walking out of a train station that looked strangely familiar.. "Onibas? The city from the lullaby incident." Lucy pointed out, causing me to realize it now. As we were walking, I heard something hitting the floor. I looked back to see Natsu lying on the floor as Happy tried to get him up.

I walked towards the duo and used a healing magic that I managed to learn recently to cure Natsu from his sickness. Seconds later, he became well and healthy. "Wow (Y/n).  I never knew you could do that." he said as he finally stood up. "That's because I just learned it recently." I explained as I walked towards the others with Happy and Natsu. "Anyways, thanks!" he thanked me with a wide smile.

Once we caught up with them, Gray asked, "So it's a request for us to use our magic to attract lots of people to see a play, right?"

"Exactly. Sound fun, right?" Lucy responded. "Natsu can shoot fire, you and (Y/n) and Erza can put on a show with your ice and water magic and her Requipping! Then I'll move everyone's hearts with Lyra's singing. It'll be a wonderful performance, don't you think?"

"If I ever finish my novel, I hope it get turned into a play. Right! This is a great opportunity to study staging a play!" Lucy said as she looked determined as ever.

Soon, we stopped in front of a big building and we stared at it in awe. As we were about to enter, a man with short, purplish hair that goes up to two very small, round "ponytails" at the top of his head and is slightly puffed up at the center popped his head out from behind a wall.《his name is Rabian btw》

"Um... You are the people from Fairy Tail, yes?" the man asked. "Yes!" Lucy answered. "Thank you very much for accepting my request!" he thanked us. "Sure! Just leave the stage work to us!" Lucy said.

"About that.. We have a bit of a problem." the man said as his "ponytails" drooped.

He then brought us into the building and into one of the costume rooms. He then explained what had happened.

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