Chapter 35

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Then, Happy snapped, "Shut up! What's with you? I want to go back, too! But there's no point..." Happy shouted before he started crying and sobbing.

"Etherion will fire any moment. I just know that Natsu will bring Erza back!" I snapped too before calming down. "That's what Simon told me.. If Salamander's true power awakens, he would be even stronger than me, even Jellal wouldn't be able to defeat him..." I said as I went back to looking at the 'shrinking' tower.

On with Chapter 35:


We stayed quiet for awhile until we noticed a light was shone from the dark clouds and onto the tower.

"That light.." "It's Etherion!" Lucy and Wally pointed out. "Natsu, Erza... hurry up and escape.." Happy said to himself but I heard him clearly, being right beside him.

As the light got brighter, the waves got stronger and more choppy and it also caused the boat to sway more.

"Here it comes!" Happy exclaimed. "Natsu! Erza!" I looked back to see Gray struggling a bit to sit up. All I could do was brace for impact and pray for those who are in tower that they would be alright. A beam of light was then shot down onto the tower.

The waves then got bigger due to Etherion and it pushed our boat further away from the tower. Juvia and I then made a water shield around everyone because the boat broke on impact. Luckily, we managed to get everyone into the shield before they got thrown.

"No.." "Natsu..." I heard Lucy and Happy mutter. We thought it was over, until we saw a glimmer in the huge smoke cloud. 

"Crystals?" Happy questioned. "No, magic crystals. Also known as Lacrima!" I said in disbelief as I couldn't believe that the entire tower was made out of Lacrima.

"Hey, they're okay, right? Natsu, Erza, and Simon too?" I heard Lucy ask but I didn't answer her because I myself wasn't sure.

Wally, Milianna and Sho then explained about the R-System, and how it can be used to revive a deceased person.

"That is the true for of the Tower of Heaven, a huge Lacrima! And thanks to the attack by the Council's Etherion, it has absorbed an incredible amount of magical energy! Now the R-System is complete..." Wally explained before muttering the last sentence mostly to himself, but loud enough for me to hear it.

"That's the R-System?" Gray asked. "Yes, that's the true form of the R-System we built, got it?" Wally confirmed before looking at the tower. "It's activating..." Milianna muttered.

"Activating? You mean it's resurrecting Zeref?" Lucy asked. "I don't know. We've never seen it operate." Sho admitted.

"And Natsu and Erza are inside of it?" Gray asked rhetorically. "Simon as well... and, Jellal..." Sho added.

We just kept on looking at the tower and not long after, we see something fly up into the sky and dive back into the tower, causing pieces of the tower to break off and drop into the sea and have explosions occur throughout the whole building and cover it in smoke.

"What in the world?" "What is happening?" Sho and Wally said. "It has got to be Natsu." Happy said. 

"But, is that gonna be okay?" Milianna asked. "It'll be okay... or so I'd like to think. But he sure is going wild there..." Gray said before a cyan light came out from the tower.

"Nya~ How pretty!" Milianna commented. "No, that's..!" he said in disbelief and shock.

"I can feel a terrible magical power coming from that light!" Juvia commented. "Wait.. then that means.. could Etherion be going out of control?" Gray said.

"Out of control?" Lucy repeated as she faced towards Gray, "Why?"

"Keeping that great amount of magical power in one place can never be stable for long." I explained with a calm face despite feeling troubled.

"A turbulent vortex of magical power with no where else to go will burst out, causing a giant explosion.." Juvia added.

Wally, Sho and Milianna then started to panic.

"Whoa! We'll be caught in it as well!" Wally said. "what about nee-san and the others still inside?" Sho said.

"This isn't about who's saving who anymore! We're all going to be wiped out together!" Gray shouted.

All of us then prepared for what will come.

The tower was covered with a barrier of power of some sort and became very bright with a beam from the top of the tower going into the sky.

"It's exploding!" Wally shouted. "No it's not! Etherion is heading up into the sky!" Gray said.

The tower exploded and the wave become bigger and choppier and it pushed our bubble shield back with great force.

"It disappeared!" "Etherion went into the sky!" "Erza! Natsu!" everyone was shouting in panic, and not long after we managed to get back to shore.

We didn't really know what to do and we didn't want to get back to our rooms yet, so we stayed at the shore and looking out into the sea, hoping our friends would be alive.

And we hoped right. We saw Natsu carrying Erza bridal style.

"Erza!" We all shouted as we ran towards the two who were now standing in the shallow part of the sea. Some of us were happy, some of us were worriedm and some of us were crying.

When Erza stood up straight, I literally launched myself towards her by using my magic and tackled her back into the water (with a hug of course) with the others following my actions.


Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed it, apologies for the mistakes and please do point them out. Please vote if you enjoyed it, it encourages me to publish more.

※ will update when free/not lazy/bored/when I have ideas ※

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