Chapter 18

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"Thanks. I'm fine." he replied. He mumbled something under his breath, but I didn't manage to hear it. "Lucy isn't here. Her injuries hurt so bad she can't move, maybe.." Happy said. "Maybe we should go check on her. You come too, Loke." Natsu suggested.

"I'll pass. You know I can't handle Celestial Wizards." Loke said before turning and walking away from us. I looked at his retreating figure with a worried look before continuing to eat my food.

On with Chapter 18:


After doing some more work at the construction site, Erza, Gray, Natsu, Happy and I decided to visit Lucy. Natsu and Happy decided to run ahead of us and tried to reach to Lucy's house first, by entering through the window.. Gray however, he didn't want to lose to Natsu, so he decided to run up ahead as well and tried to enter Lucy's house through another route, the chimney..

"Are we the only normal ones here?" I asked no one in particular. Erza and I then proceeded to go to Lucy's house the normal way, the door. We walked up to her house and knocked on the door. No answer.. I knocked again, still no answer.

I then took out the spare keys she gave me and unlocked the door. We entered her house and I was about to call out to Lucy until Erza handed me a cup of tea. 'That was quick..?' I thought.

"Lucy!" "You feelin' okay?"I heard Happy and Natsu call out respectively from outside the window. "Don't come in through the window!" Gray scolded as he was barely out of the fireplace. "Enter through the door, people. The door." Erza stated as she took a sip from her tea. "And what the hell are you doing?" Natsu asked rhetorically.

Once the three of them are standing with me and Erza, We then realized that Lucy hasn't scolded us for intruding her home. "In the bath?" Gray questioned as he thought about the outcome if he checked the bathroom. " "Gray, you perv!" is what she would say. Something like this was bound to happen eventually.." Gray explained as he tried to imitate Lucy's voice in the beginning.

Despite thinking about the consequences, he still opened the entrance to the toilet to the bathroom as he exclaimed "Pardon the intrusion!", not knowing that Natsu had already entered.

"Maybe she's out?" Erza suggested as she had a towel around her body and her head and was holding a bucket of toiletries. I didn't bother wanting to go with their silly acts and decided to just lay down on Lucy's bed, knowing she wouldn't mind me doing it. For some reason, they even tried to look through her underwear drawer.

I looked around the room and saw something sparkle in the corner of my eye. I got up from the bed and walked towards it. The ink bottle was reflecting the light in the room and under it was a note. "Letters?" I said as Happy accidentally caused a drawer filled with letters to fall out.

Natsu sat on the floor as he took a letter and opened it. "Mom, I finally joined the guild of my dreams, Fairy Tail..." he read before Gray tried to stop him. "Today, I met a person named Erza. She's cool and pretty. I also met a girl named (Y/n). She would seem cute and vulnerable but she's actually quite strong. Then Natsu and Gray..." Natsu didn't manage to complete reading the letter when Gray pointed out that all the letters on the ground were directed to Lucy's mother.

I was blushing at Lucy's description of me. Erza was blushing too. I looked back to the ink bottle and took the note and read it. "Look, Lucy left a note." I told them. " "I will go home." it seems." all of us were shocked.


We traveled. After reading the short note, we immediately traveled to Lucy's home to bring her back. We're not going to let her go. We don't want to lose her. We ran, and ran, until we saw Lucy standing in front of a statue. When we got closer, I noticed that it was a grave.

"Lucy!" I shouted as I ran even faster. The others then did the same. Happy and I glomped onto Lucy when I got closer, but not strong enough to make her fall. She then explained what she was actually doing and did not plan to leave Fairy Tail at all. Gray was shocked, the others the glad, and I was crying in her chest. I was very relieved that she wasn't leaving.

Not long after, we walked back to the station. "I'm really sorry I worried you all." Lucy apologised. "Don't worry, it's our fault for jumping to conclusions." I stated. "I guess we were worried for nothing." Gray said. "Happy was crying the whole time." Natsu pointed out. "You were sobbing too, Natsu!" "N-No I wasn't!" bickered Natsu and Happy.

I couldn't resist but to hold Lucy's hand. "I'm just glad that you're staying." I said as I swung our arms slightly. While I was being cheerful, the rest were amazed with Lucy's home.


Follow my instagram for anime shiz! : mizushima_izumi

Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed it, apologies for the mistakes and please do point them out. Please vote if you enjoyed it, it encourages me to publish more.

※ will update when free/not lazy/bored/when I have ideas ※

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