Chapter 12

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Izumi-chan: please read the authors' note at the end thanks!



She swung her sword towards Jose but her hand was caught. Jose then swung Erza away but Erza managed to land nicely and jumped back. "As I recall, you took a full blast from the Jupiter. How are you able to stand now?" Jose questioned Erza who stood opposite from him.

"My friends give me inner strength. I will gladly sacrifice myself to help those I love!" Erza answered. "Strong, dauntless, and beautiful... Destroying you will be a real treat.." Jose commented with a creepy wide smile.

On with Chapter 12:


Natsu sensed that Lucy was in trouble was in trouble and decided to enter the room Lucy was in by creating the hole through the floor. He managed to stop Gajeel who was hurting Lucy orignally.

"You sure took the bait, Salamander." Gajeel said. "It's time you quit being a wet blanket all the time, iron dragon!" Natsu answered with a statement of his own as his flames surrounded his figure. Lucy was relieved to see Natsu in front of her, protecting her. "Lucy. Get back." Natsu said with a monotone voice.

TIME SKIP (I'm sorry but I'm lazy to write the fighting scene)

Natsu was thrown by Gajeel to the edge of a giant hole in the wall that was created by their fight. Natsu was in pain and had used up most of his energy by now. Gajeel then let out a short maniacal laugh as he said "Just look at what you guys were tryin' to protect!"

Natsu then painfully tried to lift his face up from the ground. Lucy, Happy and Sagittarius were looking at their guild which was crumbling down with a shock look. The other Fairy Tail members that were outside of the scene had the same expression. Finally being able to see what happened to their precious guild, Natsu's pupils contracted with anger in them.

Gajeel continued laughing at the enemies' despair. Then, flashbacks of the guild went through everyone's mind.


"Whoa! It's huge! This is a wizard guild?!" a young Natsu asked. "It's Fairy Tail." a young Makarov answered. "Fairy...Tail?" Natsu asked. "Yes. No one knows if fairies have tails or not, or even if fairies exist at all. Thus the name signifies eternal mystery, eternal adventure.." Makarov explains.

"I don't really understand, but this is awesome!" Natsu answered with an excitement written on his face.


"Huh? What do you want? You got a nasty look." a young (almost naked) Gray rudely said as he saw Natsu looking his way. "What?!" Natsu answered rudely. "Oh, an argument?" "Yeesh..." Macao and Wakaba said from the table beside them.

Suddenly, Cana popped up from behind a barrel as she said " Gray! Clothes!" Gray, instead of actually noticing his clothes were in fact missing, was surprised from Cana's appearance. Natsu then turned around with his hands behind his head as he said "Oh, you're just a pervert!"

Gray heard Natsu's words and butt heads with him as he rhetorically asked "Who're you calling a pervert, slanty eyes?!" Instead of backing off, Natsu answered "You, droppy eyes!" and soon threw punches and kicks to each other.

Makarov was drinking at the bar and said "He's certainly feisty." "This is great!" Reedus said as he was watching the fight go on.


As Natsu and Gray butt heads as usual, Erza stepped up between them and pushed their heads away from each other as she shouted "Stop it!". (Y/n) was standing behind Erza.

As Erza was about to lecture Gray, Natsu decided to exclaim "You pickin' a fight?!". Unfortunately for him and Gray, Erza puched them in the head hard enough to make them crash into a wall and create a crater. Everyone who was watching sweatdropped at the scene. "Fools." Erza said. (Y/n) stood a distance away and looked at the two (idiots) in pity.

Erza then shot a death glare at them and said "No fighting. Do I make myself clear?". Only Gray answered because he knew Erza's strength. "S-So strong! S-So scary!" Natsu commented.

"W-What is your name?" (Y/n) asked just barely loud enough as she stood behind Erza. "N-Natsu.." he answered as he looked away with a blush. "Natsu, huh? Listen. Everyone who joins Fairy Tail is like family. And this is their home. Home isn't a place for fighting. Do you understand?" Erza explained.

Natsu pondered for awhile, not understanding a single thing Erza said at all. "I'm Erza, and this is (Y/n). It's good to meet you" Erza introduced herself and you, since she knew your shyness. Instead of talking, all you did was nodded your head slightly as you looked at Natsu.

After learning the names, Natsu muttered "Erza is scary.." Gray heard the fire dragon slayer's words and said "Yeah, huh?" The two of them looked at each other before showing each other a grin. But then noticed that they were still enemies and decided to look away from each other.


More flashbacks kept coming as the members kept looking at the once Fairy Tail building. Natsu managed to stand on his two feet and slowly make his way towards Gajeel. "Natsu.. No more, Natsu... If I... If I just let them take me, then this will all..." Lucy started to blame herself as she cried.

"Lucy.." Happy called out as he gripped onto Lucy's boot. " Natsu hasn't given up yet...!" Happy added as he himself had tears flowing from his eyes.

"Your guild's been destroyed. You lose." Gajeel said. Natsu lifted his arm, wanting to punch Gajeel but he just froze there.  Gajeel took this opportunity to punch Natsu into a wall. Natsu slid down the wall onto his knees and fall onto the ground face first.


Izumi-chan: hey! Im actually updating the story cause i need help... i want to make a new story after this story and my utapri,, its still early but this is like the only way for me to not get bored at some places idk.. of it is an 'Ushijima (from haikyuu) x reader' and another one is not confirmed yet.. so please vote which one i should do next by commenting on the names! Please :,)




Follow my instagram for anime shiz! : mizushima_izumi

Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed it, apologies for the mistakes and please do point them out. Please vote if you enjoyed it, it encourages me to publish more.

※ will update when free/not lazy/bored/when I have ideas ※

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