Chapter 28

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Izumi-chan: I. AM. BACK. and I just messed up my last exam paper ;-; excuse me while i cry for the rest of the day thank you.

you all are invited to my funeral

I can sense that the story is going to end in a few more chapters



"Come on, let's go save Erza, nee-san." (Y/n) said before running off to catch up with Gray and Lucy.

Juvia was shocked at being called "nee-san" by (Y/n), but came back to her senses a second later and caught up with the rest.

On with Chapter 28:


We managed to get a boat and now we're on our way to the Tower of Heaven.

"Hey, do you think the people who were trapped in those cards were rescued?" Lucy asked.

"We informed the army. They should be fine by now." I told Lucy as I was admiring the birds flying above.

 "Forgetting that, where the hell is this place?" Gray questioned.

"Maybe Juvia's group is lost..." Juvia pointed out.

Lucy turned towards Natsu. "Natsu, are you sure this is where they went?" she asked.

Lucy and I deadpanned and Gray and Juvia looked annoyed when we noticed that Natsu was hanging his upper body off the boat.

"We're placing all our bets on your nose here! Get yourself together!" Gray said annoyed. "Calm down, Gray.." I said to Gray as I patted his (bare) shoulder.

I stopped to shudder as I felt a glare on me. I looked towards where I felt the glare from and I saw it was from Juvia.

'Why is nee-san glaring at me?' I thought as I looked at her questioningly. I was brought out of my thoughts when Gray started talking.

"It's unbelievable that Happy and Erza were taken away while we were unconscious. How pathetic can we get?" he said.

"But how could a mage as strong as Erza-san be defeated?" Juvia questioned.

"Huh? She wasn't defeated! Don't speak as if you know anything about Erza!" Gray said rudely and with an annoyed tone.

"Gray!" I scolded Gray as I saw him made Juvia look guilty and apologize to him. But all he did was scoff and looked away.

"They said they were Erza's friends from long ago. So, we even might not know anything at all, not even me.." I said with worry.

Suddenly, Natsu got up from his position and said "What's this feeling of danger?" as he looked around.

We looked up and saw that the birds that were flying above suddenly dropped.

"What on earth is this phenomenon?" Gray asked. Then, we felt something hit the boat. We then looked down and noticed that even the fishes were dead and were floating with pieces of debris.

"Even the fish?!" Gray exclaimed.

"This isn't natural." Juvia stated.

"That debris... It's from Fiore's naval ships." I pointed out as I recognized the logo on a banner.

"I don't like this." Lucy said.

Natsu saw something at the corner of his eye."Hey, over there." he said.

We looked over and saw a weird looking building.

"That's the Tower of Heaven?《that's what it's called right?》" Lucy questioned.

Juvia brought her right arm up and casted Water Dome around us. "Let's use this camouflage to make our approach."

We were still advancing towards the tower when Natsu said "I can't hold it after all.."

"Just hold on a bit longer." I told him, slightly annoyed.

"Seriously, can't you see we are dealing with an emergency situation here?" Gray said.

After finally arriving, we got off the boat and onto the pier that was built with the tower and immediately ran towards the tower, hence Natsu was still wobbly in his movements.

I looked back at him with slight worry, same with Lucy. 

We soon got nearer to the tower and saw that there are a lot of guards and some, weird creatures. 

"Should we break through?" Natsu suggested.

"No! Erza and Happy are still in captivity. If we aren't careful, we'll put both of them in harm's way."  Lucy explained.

I looked around and noticed that Juvia was missing. 'Where did she go?'

"I found an entrance underwater." Speak of the devil..

"For real? Good work!" Gray praised Juvia.

"I was praised! Not you, but I, Juvia!" Juvia said loudly to Lucy and for some reason, me. I was confused and all I did was nod.


Izumi-chan: new writing format? what do you think about it? this slightly different format or the previous one? does it even matter though??

Hopefully I would be able to update one more time next week before going overseas.

Follow my instagram for anime shiz! : mizushima_izumi

Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed it, apologies for the mistakes and please do point them out. Please vote if you enjoyed it, it encourages me to publish more.

※ will update when free/not lazy/bored/when I have ideas ※

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