Chapter 25

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Izumi-chan: I am back!!! It has been only 7 weeks of school and I already want to give up. I DONT UNDERSTAND WHAT IS EVEN HAPPENING AHHHHHHHHHHH. what is a 4.0gpa even. my goal now is 0.4

how do you even write this



"You couldn't have said it better." replied Erza. "Hey, let's hurry and go!" "Let's party all day and night, non-stop!" "It's a favor from Loke, so we're going to have lots of fun!"

"Aye sir!" we all exclaimed before excitedly exiting the guild.

On with Chapter 25:


'It's so relaxing' I though as I was on a floatie 《it can any design you want》in the sea, not too far away from shore. Gray and Erza were playing beach volleyball (that looked too violent for me to participate in), Happy was hopping around because the hot sand was burning his feet and Lucy was wakesurfing, with Natsu on the back of the board trying not to vomit.

I heard Natsu beg "Please let me off." Lucy then deadpanned as she glanced at Natsu, "You're the one who said he wanted to ride!"

Not long after, Lucy had finished having her fun with wakesurfing and she and Natsu went back to shore. "(Y/n)! Come join us!" I heard Lucy call out. I glanced up and saw the 5 of them looking at me.

I responded back with an "okay" and used my magic to push the floatie towards shore. I then carried the floatie towards them, where I saw them digging into the sand.

"What are you guys planning?" I asked as I placed the floatie nearby. "We're gonna bury Gray in the sand." Natsu said as he enthusiastically dug a hole large enough to fit Gray.

Gray then laid down in the sand and we proceeded to cover his body with sand. Lucy was in charge to structure his upper body whereas Natsu did the legs. Erza just laid down on a blanket under an umbrella we set up in the beginning and Happy was eating a fish, as usual. I decided to join them in decorating Gray's sand body and proceeded to collect pretty sea shells nearby.

For some reason, Lucy decided to give Gray some sand boobs, so I placed a sea shell on each boob and also between his sand legs 《for some censorship for those innocent eyes ;) 》. I managed to take some photos before Gray decided to get out of the sand.

"So, is there anything else we want to do?" Gray asked everyone as he dusted the sand that decided to stick onto his body. "Oh, I have an idea!" Lucy said before getting a rectangular pink floatie.

"(Y/n), do you mind if we use your magic to move the floatie? I don't mind if you don't want to, I can push the floatie instead." Lucy asked me. I shook my head with a smile to show that I don't mind using my magic as a motor before telling the others to get on the floatie. For some reason, Natsu didn't think about his motion sickness as he got on the floatie excitedly..

Fortunately, the floatie was big enough to fit everyone on it. "Ready?" I asked the others as I positioned myself in the water, holding the back of the floatie. "Yeah!" they exclaimed before I used my water magic to push us forward.

It first was going slow, and Natsu getting sick that easily, until Gray asked if I could use more power. I grinned and nodded my head before strengthening my magic.

"NOOOOoooo...!!" is what I thought I heard but I couldn't really tell because of the water splashing behind me.


After having fun on the beach, we decided to head towards the casino. 'Good thing I brought my favourite dress.' I thought as I held the dress up for me to admire its beauty 《you can have the dress of your choice》

Then, there was knocking on my door before it opened up to reveal Lucy. "(Y/n)? Are you ready?" Lucy asked me as she was in her red dress that showed off her curves. "Oh, sorry. I was distracted. Give me a minute to prepare myself." I apologized as Lucy nodded before closing the door.

I quickly changed into my dress and some matching shoes that I brought along before applying some makeup 《if you want to》. I then exited my room to see Lucy waiting for me outside the door. "You didn't have to wait for me, you know? I don't mind going there myself." I told Lucy with slight guilt on making her wait for me.

"It's okay. I think if I did let you go there by yourself, you wouldn't be able to find it, wouldn't you?" Lucy teased as my face went red. "Sh-Shut up.." I mutted as I looked away from her. Lucy giggled. "Oh yeah, shouldn't we inform Erza about this? She wasn't there with us when we decided this." Lucy agreed before leading me towards Erza's room which was nearby.

She knocked before entering as well. "Erza? Want to go have some fun downstairs? Natsu and Gray are already down there. They wanted to win some games!"Lucy explained as I peeked from behind one of the big doors.

"Oh, yes! They have a place like that, don't they? In that case..." Erza said before requipping into a purple sleeveless dress with white gloves that reach up to her elbows. "Do I look the part?" Erza asked as she posed.

I blushed as I saw how sexy and perfect Erza looked in her outfit. 'Meanwhile there's me..' I deadpanned.

"Let's go, Erza!" Lucy said before the 3 of us headed downstairs.


Izumi-chan: I am so so sorry if my way of writing is very weird because it has been awhile and i don't even know anymore man....

Follow my instagram for anime shiz! : mizushima_izumi

Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed it, apologies for the mistakes and please do point them out. Please vote if you enjoyed it, it encourages me to publish more.

※ will update when free/not lazy/bored/when I have ideas ※

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